Wealth Codes: A Conscious Money Workshop

Wealth Codes: A Conscious Money Workshop
Join us for this Conscious Money Mastermind: Wealth Codes, led by SBA Founder, Kaya Leigh and Embodied Leadership & Wealth Guide, Adelina Vaughn.
This Mastermind is pre-recorded which allows you to move through it at your own pace and flow, and come back to it any time you would like!
This Conscious Money Mastermind will cover:
How to examine your Subconscious Money Blueprint and the deeper psycho-emotional relationship that it creates with your ability to receive and hold wealth
How to extract, understand and recode your unconscious beliefs, language, self-thought and talk, + programmed narratives around money/self/life that are blocking the infinite stream of abundance and embodied overflow available to you now
Money and the Quantum: Secrets of the Millionaire Mindset (Hint: It’s a State of Expanded Embodiment and Unlimited Creative Potentiality)
How to move out of Scarcity Consciousness and into Prosperity Consciousness
How to invite in soul-aligned abundance in service to the good of the whole, rather than an unfocused desire for more in service to self
How to embody your royal and divine nature and walk in the knowing that there is more than enough for all + the universe wants to support you in every way
The understanding that true abundance comes in many forms, and it begins as a state of internal expansion, receptivity, alignment, and overflow
Magnetic Money Manifestation: If Money Were Your Muse/Lover… (what kind of Muse would it be?)
Check-In: Are you living from your deepest soul’s purpose and dharmic alignment or are you just getting by, engaging in work that does not truly set your soul on fire or nourish your total being?
How reclaim your birthright of pleasure, purpose, passion, creativity, genius, inspiration and overflow as a means to generating sustainable wealth
Wealth as a FREQUENCY of embodiment
Gratitude for What You Already Have as a Pathway for Calling in More (The Exquisite Paradox)
How to move through underlying socio-cultural and generationally-imprinted blocks to receiving all that is yours to claim!
Creating Clean, Purpose-Driven and Love-Infused Wealth for the Betterment of Self, Collective and Planet
And more…
Note: Make sure you are ready for this powerfully-alchemical mastermind and deep excavation work!
Investment | $111 USD (3 Hours)
Terms & Conditions | All payments are non-refundable once submitted.
All sales are final so please have a self-check-in that you have the capacity, willingness and self-responsibility to transform your your money story at its core + the ability to open up to the overflowing abundance that is your most natural birthright!