Descension for Ascension™ Master Course: The Only Way Out is In

Descension for Ascension™ Master Course: The Only Way Out is In
The Secret of Descension
Includes Online Course + 3-Hour Live Virtual Breathwork Journey
"Maybe you are searching among the branches, for what only appears in the roots." — Rumi
What if we stopped warring against our bodies and began to radically love them?
What if we began to learn the subtle language with which our bodies are communicating?
What if we allowed our soul to fully root into, embody, and claim its vessel?
What if we began to commune with the unexplored landscapes of beauty, genius, creativity, and ancient wisdom that lies deeply encoded within us?
What if we began to approach the activation of our bodies as our life's work— an ever-unfolding journey of discovery and devotion?
Would we find ourselves ascending to new heights? Paradigms? Genius? Divine embodiment? Soul awakening? Planetary healing?
Become awe-struck in the knowing that we are a sentient and sacred extension the living, breathing universe?
Would we cry tears of joy and bask in the beautiful capacities of our deepest nature?
Would we remember, even more, how to love with every molecule of our being?
The truth is simple: We already are infinite and divine. But our great work exists within the earth plane, including the journey of descending into our embodied humanity by inhabiting the “I Am” throne our body temple; a sacred expression of the magnificence of form. And by descending into our fullest embodiment, we begin to serve our higher purpose: the reason why our soul came here at this time.
So how do we get there?
We go IN...
Because our most loving, creatively-expressed, and ecstatic experience of being alive in human form is not “out there.” No beloved, it’s deep “in here”, in the subtle (yet vast) intricacies of our bodies— our most sacred, sensual, creative and powerful temples.
We are spirit in matter; divinity in form… and it’s time to deeply reclaim our boundless capacities, gifts and potentialities through the vessel of our bodies.
Our bodies are the essential key to our ascension… by way of descension (descending into form and fully claiming it!).
This course is an invitation to begin to wholeheartedly embrace our humanity, alongside why we incarnated into this exact form!…
To actualize the medicine of the ancients, the wisdom of our foremothers and fathers, and the codes of the divine into our everyday living through the template of our body…
And invite a sacred exploration of what it is to fully descend into our soul's chariot, to awaken the power, beauty, pleasure, wisdom, and creative depth that lives within us…
If you are called to a journey of guided descension into all that you are, to reclaim your personal medicine and soul's gifts by awakening the inner codes of your body, we invite you to join us for our joyously-crafted course, The Secret: Descension for Ascension!
The course is led by Kaya Leigh, Founder of Sacred Breath Academy and the Creator of The Sacred Breath Method, and Alexandra Durigan, Somatic Specialist, Present-Day Womb Wisdom-Keeper, Women's Embodiment Guide and R.N.
Descension for Ascension is a self-paced, online course with dynamic multi-media modules (audio, video, PDFs, self-practices, meditations + a virtual breathwork journey). The course can be streamed and deepened into at your own tempo and flow.
This offering has birthed from our heart to yours with deep intention and precision. It is a compilation of Kaya’s and Alexandra's most important life's work.
* How to LOVE our Bodies and Compassionately Befriend Them
* Transformational Embodiment Practices
* Somatic Inquiry: The Practice of Deep Inner Listening
* Emotional Intelligence: Connecting to our Emotions as Wisdom Teachers
* The Art of Leaning In and Turning Toward
* Radical Self-Acceptance
* Cultivating Self-Intimacy
* Attuning to Body Wisdom
* Learning to Sit with What Is, As it Is
* The Dance of Present-Moment Surrender
* Body-Based Meditations
* Reclaiming, Inhabiting and Embodying our Sacred Vessel
* Emotional Art
* 1 Live Virtual Group Breathwork Journey
* Intuitive Flow, Dance and Sound
* Body Oiling Ceremony (Optional)
Receive $222 off our Descension for Ascension course for a limited time (an amazing deal for an in-depth course including over 30 modules, breathwork, somatic work, self-inquiry, guided descension, reclaiming our soul medicine, inner codes, and so much more)!
Note: This is a pre-recorded, self-paced course to be taken in the privacy of a safe, grounded space within your home. Please find your own unique tempo and flow to move through it in a way that honors your needs. The Group Breathwork Journey + Post-Breath Processing is held LIVE with a Facilitator, and can be booked any time with your journey credit!
We would love to have you with us on this exquisite journey into our body temples— our truest home ✨
INVESTMENT | $555 USD - now only $333 for a limited time!
Terms & Conditions | All sales are FINAL & payments are non-refundable once submitted. Please make sure it’s a FULL YES!
“An all-encompassing experience of spirituality is rooted in, and threads throughout, all aspects of our humanity and earthly experience. We begin and end our spiritual quest within the ground of our being—our embodied humanness—as both interpreters of experience and as our individuated portal to divinity. We don’t look outside our human form for spirituality, we look deeper within form, cultivating a more refined understanding of the divine reflection that exists right in the heart of our selfhood. … With our feet rooted firmly on Mother Earth, and in daily life, we become grounded in reality in all its identifiable forms. We expand outward, and inward, from there.”
— Jeff Brown