A Holistic & Trauma-Informed Breathwork Facilitator Training & Certification Program (400 hours)
350-hr Self-Paced Digital Course + 50-hr In-Person Intensive
OUR breathwork training PROGRAM INCLUDES:
A Powerful, Full-Spectrum and Comprehensive 400-hr Facilitator Training led by SBA Founder and Master Trainer, Kaya Leigh
Dynamic Self-Paced Multimedia Modules (See topics below)
30 Live Breathwork Journeys + a Safe, Supportive Container for Processing (over Zoom & at the in-Person Intensive)
10 Live Breath Technique Sessions (over Zoom)
10 Live Facilitator Circles (over Zoom)
Live Sacred Circling, Reflecting, Sharing and Witnessing
A Private Facilitator Community & Alumni Community Post Training
Post-Requisite Certification Work (to remain in alignment with breathwork safety standards)
50-hr In-Person Intensive (Where we bring it all to life! This is where the magic, power and transformation takes place in person in real time!)
Hands-on Coaching, Mentorship & Transformational Guidance with Kaya Leigh, SBA Founder
You have 1 year to fulfil the Digital Course & take the In-Person Intensive. You will have 1 additional year to move through your post-requisites. Most students don’t take this long, but this timeline is available to you.
*Note: In the event you cannot travel for the intensive, there is an alternative Virtual Intensive option available, but the In-Person Intensive is highly encouraged. Both the Facilitator Course and Intensive are mandatory to become a Certified Breathwork Facilitator. In-Person Intensives will be held in USA, Central/South America (Costa Rica, Peru and Ecuador), Europe (Greek Islands, Croatia, Portugal, etc) and Asia (Bali, Thailand, etc).
50-hr in-person intensives for 2025
Greater Lake Tahoe Area, California, June 6-13, 2025
Asheville, North Carolina, Oct 1-9 2025
Virtual Intensive Option (for those who cannot attend in-person); available anytime online
*All investment Details at Bottom of WEBPage*
STEP 1: Read the Entirety of this Webpage
Note: If you are contraindicated you may still take our training, and work with a gentler breath alternative instead that is supportive and honoring of your condition.
STEP 3: Book a Journey to experience our breathwork method *ONLY IF you have not experienced CONSCIOUS connected breathwork (CCB) before
If you have not experienced Conscious Connected Breathwork Journeying before, we invite you to take a journey with us here to ensure you resonate with this deep, transformative work. If you have journeyed with us and/or are already familiar with CCB, there is no need to book a journey. If you do need to experience a journey, you can use the coupon code BREATHEWITHUS for a free journey.
Loving Note: Please do not email us with questions until you have read through our entire webpage in completion. We took the time to thoughtfully write out an in-depth description, so please take the time to read it if you are truly called to our Academy and Lineage of Breathwork. <3
Conscious Connected Breathwork Facilitation is deep, transformative work that is to be honored with care, consideration and devotion, if we are to deeply show up as responsible facilitators. That said, we suggest that you pour yourself a cup of tea, get comfortable in an intentional space, light a candle, sustainably-harvested smudging herb or stick of incense, play some meditative or soulful music, and fully immerse yourself in the content as a journey itself.
As always, in love, honor and ethics for the craft!
Become a Certified Holistic Breathwork Facilitator through the Sacred Breath Academy Breathwork Training. Sacred Breath Academy is a leader of the breathwork field, innovator of the Sacred Breath Method™ (a parasympathetic-driven and somatically-intuitive approach to breathwork journeying), and pioneer of the breathwork ethics/responsibility movement.
Take our training to become a Masterful Breathwork Practitioner to lead paradigm-shifting breathwork immersions that transform others on the deepest levels of mind, body and spirit. The practice of conscious, connected breathwork is truly unparalleled in its healing capabilities and the world yearns for this powerful medicine now more than ever. If you know you are meant for this work, we invite you to learn more about our Breathwork Academy and Wisdom Teachings to walk the path of breath with us and our international lineage as a Certified Breathwork Facilitator, Teacher and Practitioner of Sacred Breath Academy. Together, let us bring the inner technology of breath to those ready to receive, create powerful ripples of collective change, and stand at the forefront of an emerging spiritual renaissance and global awakening. For those who are here for it, you know who you are…
The time is NOW.
Sacred Breath Academy is a Holistic Breathwork School, specializing in Trauma & Polyvagal-Informed + Nervous System-Led Breathwork Facilitator Trainings, Conscious Leadership Activation and Transformative Immersions. SBA is Founded, Created and Stewarded by Kaya Leigh.
SBA walks in the BeautyWay of Breathwork, with every breath as a sacred summoning to reclaim our most authentic, embodied, loving and enlivened selves. To Walk in Beauty means to walk in holistic harmony with all things. Living, being, relating and acting in a Beauty Way completely shifts our perception of life, imbuing a deep, interconnected reverence into all that we are and continue to become, actualize and blossom into.
SBA is also a Modern-Day Mystery School that preserves a large body of Wisdom Teachings, synthesizing both ancient and modern knowledge into powerfully-unified transmissions. SBA has further created our own method of Circular Breathwork (innovated by Kaya Leigh) called the Sacred Breath Method, which draws upon the feminine principle of breathwork (something which exists within all genders), taking a more intuitive, spacious and holistic approach to deep unwinding, emotional integration and nervous system regulation.
An essential pillar of our work at Sacred Breath Academy is to train our facilitators with trauma-informed somatic safety. Here, we honor the parasympathetic response, longer journeys, nourishing/safe/therapeutic/ceremonial containers, free-form uninhibited expression, and an intentionally-crafted nose-inhale methodology to invite a more full-spectrum and holistic approach to the work.
In this, we teach the deeply-needed ethos of allowance over force; nose (the intelligent path of breath) over mouth; sensitivity over non-sensitivity; parasympathetic over sympathetic; working with our unique physiology rather than pushing past it, honoring our nervous system throughout, etc, all as a foundational starting point to cultivate a relationship with breath as medicine. For we cannot summit a mountain until we take those first walks amidst the trees, breathing in the gift of those subtleties and working our way to the peaks...
SBA holds a steadfast anchor for students ready to full embody this work, and take something this powerful seriously. Our summon is to those who are willing to nurture and cultivate experientially-based wisdom though an intimate journey of devotion and eventually, mastery. SBA ensures our Facilitators know their craft inside and out, no longer contributing to the harm being caused by uninformed and irresponsible Breathwork, especially as it grows in popularity and becomes capitalized upon by many in a self-serving way. We must pan out and look at the greater picture of these actions and shift into a more integrous approach to this work, always in all ways…
At SBA, we teach trauma-informed, holistic, deeply-attuned guidance, and settle for nothing less. There is more than enough unexamined shadow in the Breathwork world today, so we seek to offer something utterly different— something truer, richer and fuller, that wholeheartedly respects the work. Quick, in-and-out, “pop-up” Breathwork Trainings are not in integrity. Let's illuminate this together though the healing balm of awareness.
At SBA, we also place an emphasis on post-breathwork integration, regenerative savasana, deep circling/processing/sharing/witnessing, and sacred recalibration after the journey. You will experience an impeccability of craft in our training container, for we fully honor the depth and magnitude of the powerful healing medicine that is conscious, connected breathwork. With this inner-standing, we invite forth Breath as a Master Teacher, Healer and Guide.
SBA Trainings are also much more than solely Breathwork Facilitator Trainings— they are also Rites of Passages into Conscious Leadership
and what it means to authentically, integrally and compassionately hold grounded, attuned space for another.
Sacred Breath Academy has been established for over 7 years,
with more than 500 Sacred Breath Facilitators around the globe on 6 continents and over 40 countries, and counting.
The Sacred Breath Academy Professional Certification Training is an
Unparalleled Journey
into the Art, Science and Mastery of Breathwork Facilitation
along with Ethical, Intuitive and Embodied Space-Holding.
It is also an Exquisite Initiation into Heart-Centered Leadership
and Conscious Way-Showing
within an emerging new paradigm of healing.
The Sacred Breath Academy Training Program is one of the most spiritually-imbued
and multifaceted Breathwork Trainings available,
where the personal metamorphosis of the facilitator-in-training
is held equally to the real-time skills acquired.
Each student will experience both an inner and outer transformation
throughout our training immersion.
For we can only meet others at the depths in which we have met ourselves…
Please also remember that breathwork is big, life-changing work and it is imperative that we honor its magnitude. Because of this knowing, our Academy remains an established leader and pioneer of ethical, trauma-informed and responsible space-holding. We have heard far too many stories to count within the Breathwork community of breathwork being held in an irresponsible and/or non-informed way, and so it has become our FOREMOST INTENTION to set an unwavering community standard of impeccability and somatic safety when guiding this work. We hope that you will all join us in this standard!
Note: this training is available for people of all genders, backgrounds, ages, countries, walks of life and spiritual philosophies. We continue to summon more men into this deep healing work. We also call in the minority and POC/BIPOC communities and have discounts available to support you in your study of breathwork, if you are in a position of requiring additional assistance for your training.
SBA is an Organizational Member of the International Breathwork Foundation
- Alexander Lowen, The Voice of the Body
What is breath, this powerful medicine of oxygen?
Breath is the carrier wave of life itself, the unification of spirit and matter, and the chariot of the soul. It is a dazzling derivative of the rich, pranic energies which swirl, spiral, dance and undulate all around us. It is also an ancient (inner) technology which has been largely hidden for eons… As the conscious engagement of breath is a multidimensional art form which holds some of the most powerful mysteries known to humanity…
The masters of the East and South knew that conscious breath was the secret to unlocking higher states of consciousness, life force energy and divine connection— for we were always meant to live in ecstatic vibrance and unbounded “I Am” presence, connected to ourselves, each other, the Universe and All That Is. However, due to its power, this type of breath was kept secret for eons and passed down only through closed lineages of initiation. It is only now, at a pivotal time in human history, that we begin to proliferate this hidden knowledge of the ancients back into the world, in order to assist the collective in healing from generations of trauma and conditioning, and also to awaken our greater dormant potential.
The Breathwork that we would train you in is known as Conscious Connected Breathwork, or Circular Breathwork. We further have our own method of Conscious Connected Breathwork, called the Sacred Breath Method. This format of Breathwork is considered by many to be one of the most advanced techniques of self-mastery on the path to embodied ascension, and a straight-arrow path to spiritual metamorphosis…
What does this mean, you might wonder? It’s simple. Many become lost, stuck or stagnated in their healing work— often taking years, decades or even a lifetime(s) to isolate, reconcile and integrate the root of their core wounds, traumatic imprints, emotional blockages, generational narratives, and perceptual distortions (aspects that continue to influence them in the now and prevent their higher capacities from being unlocked and embodied). And the reason why is that most of this content lives below our conscious awareness— it is buried deep within the subconscious, the emotional body, the pain body, and even the trauma body. As a result, it can be difficult to access on a quantum level unless we are actively engaging in subconscious work, ancestral work, emotional work, inner child work, shadow work and deep somatic work, all at once. While all of this is possible over time, there is a much simpler modality that tethers it all together, seamlessly and dynamically— and that modality is Conscious Connected Breathwork!
The magic of this practice is that Breathwork will gracefully cut through the layers of resistance, armoring, story and untruth, putting one into direct contact with the source code of what lives within them for profound transformation. How does it work?
The secret of secrets is that the only way out is through.
In order to release that which holds us back from actualizing our higher potential, soul’s purpose and divine genius, we must first intimately and lovingly meet the contracted, blocked and disassociated aspects of self. We must connect to and commune with them, deeply be with them, tend to them, honor them, love them, and finally integrate their wisdom before we may set them free.
And Breathwork is the vital missing link in healing arts which midwives this alchemical process.
So many unconsciously bypass their wounds (spiritual bypass), using “feel good” spiritual ideas to distract themselves from the pain, hurt and discomfort within them which yearns to be known, met, processed and understood. They want to prematurely “release what doesn’t serve” without doing any real inner work around why these textures are appearing to them in the first place. Yet we must realize that we will never truly evolve this way. Because our return to wholeness involves coming to know the totality of what lives within us, and anything that bypasses this is, in truth, an aversion to feeling and welcoming the full depth and breadth of our total human experience. Life is not happening “to” us but for us (and our soul’s evolution), and nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to learn. What this ultimately means is that everything appearing in our consciousness (no matter how seemingly difficult) is serving our growth and expansion from a soul perspective, even if it’s a challenging growth edge for the human self. Thus, our life lessons will continue to present themselves to us until we can fully receive, move through and integrate them.
And Breathwork allows us to show up for it all with grace.
The gift of breathwork is that there is nowhere to hide. Through this sacred practice, one must gently, compassionately and courageously meet themselves in complete presence to what is. Because lovingly holding ourselves through the discomfort to glean its deeper wisdom IS THE WORK. If the student is ready, breathwork is a gateway to the miraculous. And the breath itself is the master teacher, healer and guide, infinitely calling us home, back into the arms of our most authentic embodiment.
“One breathwork session is equivalent to about two years of psychotherapy.” - Henry Rohrberg, Ph.D.
Or, as one of our students put it:
“I spent 30 years meditating in order to connect with my true self. Yet through this lifelong meditation practice, I had detached from my emotions to the point of disassociating from my deeper feelings and pain body. I was spiritually-bypassing the discomfort and living in mental constructs of ‘transcendence’, which was, in all actuality, simply avoidance. In just a few breathwork sessions, however, I not only had a substantial union with my emotional body, powerful catharsis and transformational heart-opening, but I was able to venture into inner dimensions that were never possible through meditation. It truly changed everything for me.”
Breathwork is an experiential practice and self-healing modality that uses conscious, connected breathing to access expanded states of consciousness while simultaneously unlocking repressed emotions and clearing stagnant energy from the mind, body and spirit.
Through an intentional, safe and artful increase of oxygen levels, we activate different areas of the brain to create new neural pathways for deeper insights and heightened clarity, while meeting the root of unresolved imprints for integration and healing.
Conscious Connected Breathwork held with pristine intention is a powerful, life-changing modality for those ready and willing to venture deep into the most intimate spaces of themselves; into the sacred throne of their being. The journey of breath is a somatic, emotional and energetic invitation into profound self-remembrance, tender compassion, radical self-love, wide-spectrum healing and powerful reclamation. By breathing into the unknown, we bring life and energy to that which is blocked, dormant or repressed. Through breath, we enliven the lost parts of us and return them back into our seat of wholeness.
For breath invites deeper union with every part of our being.
Breathwork is a powerful tool that may bring us into direct contact with parts of our being that are not being fully acknowledged or seen. It allows us to call in and call home our hidden ego aspects; bring awareness to our emotional and energetic blockages; confront our limiting and self-sabotaging beliefs; and to hold deeply, with gentleness and care, our embedded traumas and/or core wounds. Connected breath shows us where we are unknowingly armoring against the endless stream of love, creativity, pleasure, abundance and vitality available to us now.
Breath is also our foundational relationship with life and a metaphor for how we engage the world around us. Take a moment to ask yourself: Are you breathing deeply, opening, receiving, expanding and feeling? Or are you tight, constricted, armored, numb or contracted? Or perhaps a combination? By unconsciously restricting the flow of breath, we restrict the natural current of universal life force energy that infinitely wants to pour through us. To breathe completely is to be fully present to what is, in this moment. To let life in. To open our hearts to it all. To be here now.
It is also important to understand that when we retrieve repressed parts of us through the breathwork process, we must be willing to honor them and give them the spaciousness of expression— as they simply want a voice, too. These unseen parts yearn to be met and integrated, not further pushed down, rejected or bypassed (please have compassion, we all engage this in some capacity). These can often be aspects of ourselves that we criticize, reject, abandon or disassociate from. Yet through the breath, we are able to deeply reclaim, retrieve and integrate them on a soul level, bringing them back into our conscious awareness and real-time embodiment. Remember, our wholeness includes all things which exist within us.
Through the benevolence and intelligence of breath, we begin to transmute our wounds into wisdom
and integrate our shadow with compassionate awareness.
Connected breath can further help us to dismantle and dissolve self-sabotaging narratives (destructive ways of seeing and interpreting our reality) that are not in alignment with our core truth, or authentic self. Through breath, we may begin to return to our essential knowing— who we always were, beneath the layers of conditioning, story and programmed response. This is the realm of our higher embodiment.
We can then reawaken and re-enliven our unique personal medicine. We can reclaim and reinvigorate what lies dormant in our heart. We may also reconnect to our most magnetic essence, deepening into the fullness of who we are and why we came here. Through this work, we begin to show up in a radically different way: vibrant, enlivened, authentic, soul-drenched, wildly free, and driven by love. We live a life true to ourselves. And we awaken our beautiful purpose(s) and heart-led missions on this planet.
How does it work? Throughout the Breathwork process, the healer within (the one who knows all already) will illuminate what the breather needs to see, allowing a compassionate meeting, reclamation and reintegration of any abandoned/fragmented parts of self (soul retrieval). Concurrently, Breathwork allows us to dissolve limiting perceptual lenses (false beliefs/negative self-thought/illusory narratives or repetitive stories) that are not in alignment with our deepest truth and core self. Many will also alchemize emotions that have been lodged in the body for decades, if not an entire lifetime(s). Just as we practice physical hygiene, spiritual and emotional hygiene are equally as important to our wellbeing. Thus, we must clear these trapped or stagnant emotions from our channels, body, and nervous system if we want to make more space in our being to embody higher vibrational frequencies that are more aligned with our true self. Think of the trapped emotions as a dams holding back water (or life force energy). By finally breathing into the emotion(s), we may uproot it, surface it, feel it, express it, and then release it back to source. The release is like the dam breaking, and finally the water (or life force) can flood in. Many feel indescribably lighter afterwards, as if a great weight has lifted from them. Some also deem conscious breathwork to be extremely therapeutic, as it can actively clear the imprints, stagnations and blockages out of the body in a visceral and lasting way.
The majority of breathers first experience deep (and at times, intense) emotional release, or catharsis. Because feeling is the gateway to healing, it is possible to feel anything from grief/pain/discomfort to ecstasy/joy/bliss and anything in between. Again, these are parts of self that are not being met in waking life (even ecstasy, creativity and joy can be energies that are unconsciously being blocked if at some point we were taught that it was not safe to fully inhabit them), and thus want the freedom to be completely and uninhibitedly expressed and known, in a devoted container of exploration, as we will create.
Additionally, breathwork may catalyze a powerful cellular healing process in the breather that is difficult to put into words and can only be experienced viscerally and energetically. Many call it “energy surgery”. Once the channels are fully open, breathwork may further take one into the mystical states of knowing, awareness and consciousness. Some merge with the divine, enter into still point, connect to that which is infinite, boundless and formless, or have profound epiphanies, realizations and transcendental experiences. Others may access their unrealized genius, liberated creativity, or boundless bliss of being, experiencing a newfound love for life. Breathwork is also a gateway for individuals to reclaim their personal power, divine sovereignty and authentic voice. The possibilities are endless.
The breath brings us home, in the ecstatic reclamation of all that we are.
Conscious Connected Breathwork is additionally alchemical in nature, raising one’s vibration and bringing them into direct contact with their light body for strengthening and activation. The ancients referred to this as the “ka”, and very much understood that we were meant to prepare this body in our current life for our soul’s continued evolution. The light, or ka, body is a composite of light codes and sacred geometry which bring together our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. This body radiates light energy and electromagnetically links our multidimensional self with the infinite universe around us.
With each conscious breath, we merge more and more with our authentic and fully-expressed selves, walking hand-in-hand with the divine, dancing effortlessly in each moment to the rhythm of the collective heartbeat— the beat we share as one beautiful human family.
Conscious Breath is the living bridge which connects our humanity and divinity.
Strong or soft, wild or serene,
Wherever breath flows there is song.
Hear its whisper touching behind the face,
Singing in the throat,
Dancing spirals in the sanctuary of the heart
This is a doorway… surrender…
Fall into the wide-open embrace of life,
For you are the instrument THE breath is playing.
This is your school, just you and infinity,
Vibrating in this luxurious hum...
The texture of Self in untamed freedom.
- The Radiance Sutras
THE SACRED BREATH METHOD: Fluid. intuitive. uninhibited.
The Sacred Breath Method is our method of Conscious, Connected Breathwork, created by Sacred Breath Academy Founder, Kaya Leigh. The SBM was born from years of Kaya witnessing breathwork in the field that did not fully support the long-term picture of healing or multilayered, somatic unwinding. She continued to witness more aggressive, stimulant-like, and ”out there” breathwork that did not bring people deep into their bodies (“in here”), where the totality of what remained un-met was actually living through them.
She found… That some breathwork was yet another “distraction” from going in… That many breathers enjoyed the mouth-induced quick “highs” of oxygen, but were not venturing into their total emotional landscapes, ultimately still avoiding what called to be healed. That the status quo was force and push over allowance and receptivity of process. That open-mouth breathwork actually dysregulated breathers even more than they already were… because we cannot heal in a “fight or flight” state. And finally she found that so much of breathwork was being treated like a race or workout; with a palpable element of “control” which prevented true surrender…
And so she created another way…
A way that honored the feminine principle, alongside the path of allowance, unwinding, surrendering, and deepening…
Kaya’s Method (SBM) was thus birthed to create an alternative, holistic and more therapeutic path of breathwork journeying and healing, amidst a sea of rigorous, forceful and fast-paced mouth-inhale breathwork with little to no intentional containers or safe space for processing or integration. Kaya saw that much existing breathwork was unintentionally causing harm, based on the unique personal needs, nervous system responses and psycho-emotional compositions of others. Because we are all vastly different, and thus, so is our healing. In realizing there was no "cookie-cutter" approach or formula to this work (as was being aggressively offered by some), the SBM was created as an alternative approach to breath journeying, taking into account the infinite diversity present within the whole.
Through our method, we teach the deeply-needed ethos of allowance over force; nose (the intelligent path of breath) over mouth; sensitivity over non-sensitivity; parasympathetic over sympathetic; working with our unique physiology rather than pushing past it, etc, all as a foundational starting point to cultivate a relationship with breath as medicine. For we cannot summit a mountain until we take those first walks amidst the trees, breathing in the gift of those subtleties and working our way to the peaks...
The Sacred Breath Method is a transformative and experiential self-healing modality. It the way of intuitive, parasympathetic-driven and uninhibited breathwork, as this creates space, freedom and authentic expression for the breather within their personal process of healing, release, reclamation and soul activation.
At SBA, we understand that the secrets of somatic unwinding, trauma release, full-bodied catharsis, and nervous system regulation include an artfully-woven and intentional container of complete free-form movement and sonic/somatic/emotional expression, guided by the intelligence of breath and a deeply-attuned facilitator.
We also incorporate a nourishing nose-inhale breath cycle, which is key to activating the parasympathetic (rest & restore) nervous system response. You can learn more here.
We work with nose inhales because our bodies were intelligently designed to breathe through the nose, not the mouth. Breathing in and out through the nose helps us take fuller, deeper breaths, which stimulates the lower lung to distribute greater amounts of oxygen throughout the body. Also, the lower lung is rich with the parasympathetic nerve receptors associated with calming the body and mind, whereas the upper lungs — which are stimulated by chest and mouth breathing — prompt us to trigger sympathetic nerve receptors, resulting in the fight or flight response.
The Sacred Breath Method is a pathway to expanded states of consciousness, where immense healing and transformative experiences can occur through an intimate and sacred meeting of self. It is a revolutionary inner technology, existing through the simple vehicle of one’s own breath, which serves to awaken and activate the healer within— the one who holds all answers already. Through this work, we support a new paradigm of sovereignty in which we no longer solely look to outside sources for our healing or empowerment. We may instead return to the knowing that all lies within, and Sacred Breathwork is a catalyst of this essential remembrance.
Many who have studied and implemented our method say it is the next caliber of transpersonal and somatic healing, finding it to be completely life-changing. Through the unfathomable intelligence of breath (Spirit/Prana), the breather is self-guided on a personal journey into their being, or soul. Here, one is able to access expanded states of awareness, spiritual wisdom, and emotional breakthroughs (catharsis).
The multifaceted experience of the Sacred Breath Method incorporates:
- a ceremonial, intentional or shamanic container
- conscious, connected breathwork
- high grade essential oils and smudging herbs
- soul-invoking music, vibrational sound, and skillful + attuned facilitator guidance
- quantum breakthrough coaching
- sacred circling/processing
- integration techniques so that the internal shifts may be anchored back into one’s day-to-day life through real-time embodiment
+ other powerful proprietary tools to invite forth the deeper aspects of one’s being
On the most basic level, breathing is a life-sustaining process more important than even food or water for our survival. Without breath, we could not exist for longer than a few minutes. Breathing deeply and consciously improves the quality of our health, emotions and our ability to be more present in our experiences, centering us so that we may show up, open and available, for both the beauty and challenges of our life.
Oxygen is our greatest and first source of energy. It is the fuel required for the proper operation of all bodily systems. Many find it surprising to learn that only 10% of our energy comes from food and water and 90% of our energy comes from oxygen. Thus, every cell in our body requires oxygen to live and, even more so, the optimal levels to thrive.
Further, billions of pounds of chemicals are being introduced into our air, water, soil and food annually and the impact these toxins have on our health and planet is critical. Every time we take in toxins from our environment, they enter our body and redistribute through our cells. Breathing deeply, however, cleanses our system of residual toxins and allows for oxygenated blood to circulate, purify and nourish our body. Breathing deeply also increases respiration and circulation, and as a result, improves the flow of lymphatic fluid, aiding in the elimination of waste in over 600 nodes throughout the body. In fact, did you know that breathing alone is responsible for 70% of toxin elimination within the body?
The word breath and soul, or spirit, are synonymous in many ancient languages. The Aramaic word ‘rookha’, Sanskrit word ‘prana’, the Latin ‘spiritus’, the Chinese ‘chi’, the Japanese ‘ki’, Greek ‘pneuma’, the Hebrew ‘ruach’, the Iroquois ‘orenda’, and the Old Norse ‘önd’, are all words that unify the concepts of breath and spirit. Breathing techniques have been used by ancient cultures around the world for eons in order to access spiritual dimensions of the self, for the purpose of deep insight and transformation. In more modern times, various techniques stemming from this core practice have begun to permeate healing communities around the globe, with diverse benefits ranging from trauma release to transpersonal revelation. The secret of secrets? The breath is the unknown power we hold within. It is a doorway into the magnitude of who we are.
The ancients were aware that there was a ‘spirit’ of breath— a multidimensional collective intelligence that naturally seeks balance and wide-spectrum healing, surrounding and guiding the act of conscious breathing. For thousands of years they found by changing the rate, ratio, volume and flow of the respiratory cycle, there could be experiential and perceptual shifts in consciousness More recently, when applied therapeutically, the shifts experienced in conscious, connected breathing has been proven to ignite a deeper sense of inner connection, somatic intelligence, emotional empowerment, self-awareness and psycho-spiritual integration.
As discussed above, the Sacred Breath Method of Conscious, Connected Breathwork
is a gateway to these expanded states of consciousness
where profound healing and transformative experiences can occur.
The SBM rebalances the emotional body, heals the pain body and activates one’s higher expression (dharma; life’s purpose) by unlocking the soul’s multidimensional knowing. Through the unfathomable intelligence of breath (spirit), the breather is guided on a personal journey into their being, or soul. Here, one is able to access expanded states of awareness, spiritual wisdom, and emotional breakthroughs (catharsis).
There is an infinite wellspring of love, creativity, inspiration, passion, ecstasy, joy, and vitality awaiting each and every one of us, just on the other side of releasing residual fear, trauma, blockages, pain, stagnations and false beliefs. We continue to witness miracle after miracle unfold within this art form…
Breathwork is the key to unlocking the grail within.
It allows us to remember who we are on the most precious levels,
and seeks to clear all that stands in the way of our most luminous expression and actualized embodiment.
- Thich Nhat Hanh
1- We teach Breathwork in a way that is trauma-informed, nervous system-led and emotionally-intelligent. Our Breathwork Method works with a specific nose inhale cycle and artfully-woven immersive container, which takes into account nervous system regulation, somatic unwinding and trauma release, in addition to many other facets of transformational journeying. We fully understand the ethical responsibility of Breathwork Facilitation due to the nature of what this modality can surface in journeyers. This is big, life-changing and paradigm-shifting work and it is imperative that we understand its depth. Because of this knowing, we promote safe, intentional and impeccable descents into the subconscious, dream-time state induced by breathwork (theta brainwave), where breathers feel fully held and supported to let go and deepen into their personal process of healing. When breathers are held in a compassionate and loving field of pure potentiality, miracles will happen. We additionally support free-form, uninhibited expression and longer, therapeutic, yin journeying, which is the gateway to full self-healing and empowerment. To learn more about ethical vs unethical breathwork, check out our blog post here. We also have several different Breathwork formats that we teach, which can be adapted for many different kinds of clients and environments (i.e. from shamanic ceremony to professional workplace and everything in-between).
2- We train you in post-breath processing, grounding and integration and value it as equally important as the Breathwork Journey itself— this is how the facilitator is able to support others in successfully integrating, anchoring and embodying the powerful inner shifts induced by breath back into their lives. Many schools skip this step altogether or emphasize it very minimally. We instead instill a holistic approach to breathwork which also includes quantum belief work, thought inventories, emotional inquiry and intelligence, conscious communication skills, epigenetics, activating and inspiring forth one’s unique gifts, activating our higher purpose/dharma, bringing the truths that were accessed into our darkest and most tender corners, and much more.
Real change does not take place through internal realizations or the temporary peace found on a meditation pillow, but instead born through how we show up in real-time within each manifestation of our lives— for ourselves; in our intimate relationships and partnerships; for our families, friends, and loved ones; in our sacred service, work, communities and beyond. It is especially evident in how we respond to challenges, triggers and conflict. The most important personal growth does not happen when all is tranquil or still. It happens through the depth of relating, when you have the opportunity to consciously choose your response instead of unconsciously or habitually react. It happens when you are angry or afraid and you can pause to bring in radical self-care and higher awareness. When you can fully tend to and honor your deepest needs before all else. When you can speak and honor your essential truth, allowing others to be responsible for their own reactions and emotional state. When you can take ownership of your total being, and meet each aspect of your experience in intimate acceptance. When you can fully allow each texture of life (in both joy and pain, comfort and discomfort) to flow through you, as you, without resistance to what is. When you definitively move from unconscious victimhood to sovereign empowerment. And when you can stand resiliently in your fully actualized purpose, offering your higher gifts in service to the evolution of humanity. This is the real work, and the breathwork mat is only the beginning of one’s empowered metamorphosis.
3- Our foremost intention is that the integrity of the work and of our lineage is preserved and honored. We understand that the degree of self-awareness held (and inner work done) will ultimately determine whether an individual is in a space of readiness and ripeness to hold safe, attuned space for another so that they may guide them responsibly, intuitively and ethically through the breathwork process. Though we honor where each potential student is on their journey and path of development, if someone has not done at least some devoted inner work then it will affect how deeply they can facilitate others. This is why the first part of our training is all about inner refinement, healing, embodiment and self-mastery. We craft our training very intentionally to first allow for a powerful individual transformation to take place.
We intentionally call forth those who have done the inner work, have been on the path, and are ready to bring breathwork into their communities (and the world at large). Many schools approach trainings from a profit and numbers standpoint, accepting anyone and everyone who will pay, with no screening and little consideration for what they are weaving on a greater scale. This is unfortunately setting the stage for the growing volume of irresponsible breathwork facilitation we are witnessing today. We at SBA instead approach trainings in service of the highest good of the whole and in ethics for the craft. Because of these considerations, our in-person trainings are smaller and more intimate, not exceeding 20-25 people per in-person container. Not only does this allow for more personalized and hands-on experience + ethical and honorable preservation of the work, but the tribe and community created from our training pods will become those of life-long connection and friendship.
4- Our training immersions are powerful and multifaceted. The word we hear most often is “life-changing.” This is not said from a place of ego, but from a continuous feedback loop of direct reflection. You can read more about our trainings here. Sacred Breath Trainings are intentionally designed to be experiential and transmission-based as well as cutting-edge and instructional, so that all parts of your being are absorbing the information and wisdom. We weave together metaphysics, sacred arts, science, alternative psychology, intuitive guidance, somatic inquiry, inner journeying, direct gnosis, leadership attunement and beyond. Our immersions are not only opportunities to acquire breathwork skills and knowledge— they are also sacred initiations and exquisite rites of passage into the role of Way-Shower, something needed in our world now more than ever. Each trainee will be undergoing both an inner and outer journey during our time together. The first half of this training will be devoted to self-discovery, clearing, integration and healing work, where the trainee’s personal metamorphosis paves the way for how fully they can show up as a facilitator throughout the rest of the training. Remember, we can only meet others as deeply as we have met ourselves…
WHAT YOU WILL RECEIVE IN THIS level 1 Breathwork Facilitator TRAINING:
A Powerful, Holistic and Comprehensive Facilitator’s Training led by Kaya Leigh, Sacred Breath Founder and International Breathwork Teacher, Speaker and Master Trainer
400 hours of expert mentorship, guidance, and professional training to teach you everything you need to know in order to facilitate Breathwork in any setting or environment
25 Live Virtual Breathwork Journeys
A Private Community of Sacred Breath Facilitators (who will become like family!)
Healing journeys into meeting, witnessing, clearing/integrating any remaining traumatic imprints, core wounds, or limiting beliefs in your consciousness so that you may activate your higher potential and deepen into your most attuned leadership
Invaluable preparation to lead breathwork immersions for private clients, in the workplace, and in workshops/immersions/ceremonies
A solidification of your knowledge and understanding of the Science and Art of Breathwork Facilitation
A knowing of how to anchor sacred, intentional, healing and/or shamanic ceremony (depending on how you want to hold Breathwork)
An understanding of the pillars of attuned space-holding, safe container-creation and energetic-gridding
A deepening of your own embodiment as a bridge to higher states of embodiment, consciousness and lucidity (for both self and others)
Hands-on teaching experience, professional mentorship and a comprehensive Facilitator’s Manual
“You exchange ten billion trillion atoms with your surroundings with every breath you take. The atoms you inhale every day have traversed the bodies of living beings across the universe and across time. Within you right now, you have atoms that once inhabited the body of a lion in Africa, a dolphin in the South Pacific, and a redwood in the ancient old growth forests of the Northwest. Every particle in your body was once stardust, created at the dawn of the universe.”
- Deepak Chopra
Self-Healing Metamorphosis Series: Excavate, Illuminate, Meet/Witness, Retrieve/Integrate/Dissolve, Empower
Epigenetics, the “Biology of Belief”, and Cellular Memory
Childhood, Womb, and Ancestral/Generational Imprinting
How Trauma Stores and Codes in the Body
The Origin and Nature of a Wound
The Philosophy of Reichian Body Armoring
Anatomy and Physiology of Breathwork
Emotional Intelligence: Intimately Meeting All Textures of Your Emotional Body
How to Harness Your Emotions as an Inner Compass and Call to Alignment
Accessing the Innate Body Wisdom Within
Transmuting Your Triggers: A Powerful Step-by-Step Guide
Understanding the Subconscious Domain
Journey to the Subconscious: Excavating the Embedded Beliefs and Repetitive Narratives Which Drive Us
The Science, Art and Mastery of Conscious, Connected Breathwork
The Nose: The Intelligent Path of Breath
The Power of the Parasympathetic Response (and Why It’s Our Missing Link to Healing)
Somatic Unwinding, Emotional Catharsis and Nervous System Regulation
Intuitive, Free-Form, Uninhibited Expression in Breathwork Journeying
“Unlocking the Diaphragm” Workshop: A Pathway to Somatic Freedom
Restoring the Feminine Principle in Circular Breathwork (Breathwork is Not a Work-Out or Race)
The Sacred Breath Method, 3-Part Breathwork and Modified Gentle Breathwork
Foundational Keys of Facilitation
Guiding the Breathwork Journey
Anchoring the Breathwork Experience through Entrainment and Vibrational Resonance
Sacred Witness, Building Trust, Inviting Vulnerability and Deep Sharing
The Spiritual Bypassing Epidemic and How to Lean Into What we Are Avoiding
The Shadow Side of Leadership and How to Move Beyond It
The Ethical Responsibility of Leadership (Are We Leading from Clarity, Distortion or a Mixture?)
Becoming a Clear Conduit for Divine Intelligence to Flow
Retiring the Guru Model and Claiming Your Own Inner Wise One
The Path of the Way-Shower: What it Means to Live from One’s Coherent Heart, Internal Power, Intuitive Sight, and Embodied Wisdom
Surrendering Personal Ego/Control and Opening to the Magic of the Moment
Safe, Trauma-Informed, Attuned Touch + Holistic Support in Breathwork Journeying
Breathwork Integration (The Often-Missed Gem): Breath Tapering, Breath Gestation, and Breathwork Savasana
Post-Breath Processing: Grounding, Re-Orienting, Connecting, Sharing, Active Witnessing/Listening/Reflecting, and Integrating
Breathwork Contracts, Waivers and Insurance
Breathwork Limitations, Modifications and Contraindications
Holding Breathwork through Sacred Ceremony, Shamanic Immersion or Simply Within a Safe, Intentional Container: Creating Profound Experiences for Others to Transform on the Deepest Levels
How to Condition a Breathwork Environment to Meet your Client/Audience at their Level of Receptivity (from shamanic journeys to breathwork in the office and everything in-between)
Music, Sound Instruments and Voice: The Sonic Waters
Creating Breathwork Playlists
Venue Selection and Event Booking
Pricing and Value Exchange: Creating Breathwork Pricing in a Way that Meets Your Needs + Honors Your Time, Energy and Value
Pillars of Space-Holding: Weaving a Safe, Grounded, Compassionate and Intentional Field of Potentiality
And much more!
The sacred breath lineage
This is not a training where you go through the program and that’s it. By joining the Sacred Breath Lineage and Family, you will be a part of an ever-expanding global community and SBA breathwork network! We have a private online group and forum for SBA Graduates to share and collaborate within so that our Facilitators feel supported by community on their journey of teaching and building a breathwork business. We also have a social network just for our Facilitators while they are going through the Training. Even more, the souls you train with will become the dearest family to you. Many cherished friends have been made within SBA, as there is no greater unifier than the shared intention to be in service to the sacred. In our lineage, the bonds we weave extend infinitely.
For each of us, there is a force that is always calling us to remember our truest nature. It is the knowing within that we are a part of something sacred, loving, and incredibly intelligent, eternally inviting us to deepen into the mystery and embrace this life fully, without reservation.
Can you feel it?
The longing to become that elusive self that dwells in absolute freedom.
The ache to return to union and self-intimacy within.
You are being summoned forth by the same intelligence which orchestrates the synergistic complexities of nature, that births galaxies. It is your divine origin. And we are here to remind you of this— of who you truly are beyond all conditioned identity. It is our greatest honor to hold a space for you that will dissolve the barrier between your perceived sense of self and your boundless spirit. For when we attune to the wisdom within, the soul can be known, felt, and fully realized. This is the path of aligning to your most authentic expression.
We are all meant to experience continuous vibrancy and unrestricted life force flowing through us. We are here to feel alive and boundless; resourced and creative. If this is not your predominant state of being, then, together, we will initiate your return to the deep wholeness that is your birthright—
for it is a natural, graceful process of coming home.
We will not shy away from meeting the more delicate aspects of your being that can arise within this work.
We deeply understand the importance of meeting and embracing the tender wounds we each carry before we may set them free. We will hold space for you until any lost, fragmented or wounded aspects of self are fully seen, honored and integrated— for our wounds are the gateway to freedom. And we are not afraid to walk beside you as you bring the healing nectar or presence into your darkest, most unexplored places. We are here to meet you in your sacred totality.
By creating containers of self-intimacy, we are anchoring a way of being that represents what is possible for humanity if we were to fully honor our relationship to self, the planet, and each other. It is our intention that this experience will inspire you to redefine your relationship with life itself and allow your real-time priorities in waking reality to reflect the unfathomable beauty and depth of what is possible. When we deepen into this process of recognition, in true vulnerability, openness and receptivity, each participant (including the facilitators) will depart as a completely different person— a truer, more authentic and soul-aligned version of themselves. From this place, we create, birth and manifest anew, from a bare palette of unlimited possibility, aligning with higher universal truths and forging a unique path of our own, woven from our soul’s medicine and deepest inner knowing. We remember that we are exquisite life artists, wielding our manifest masterpiece, sacred breath by sacred breath.
The space created for your metamorphosis will be one of grace and profundity, gentle yet deep.
Together, we will actualize your deepest potential.
Many of us carry unconsciously-held beliefs and lenses of perception that were never truly ours to begin with. Such beliefs and lenses can stem from myriad sources, including parents or primary caregivers, family members, ancestral lineages, past lives, educational systems, media and society at large. The filters we have taken on cause us to see ourselves and the world not as it is, but as our beliefs, conditioning and programming dictate. This can, in turn, result in a stagnation of our higher purpose and divine genius, causing us to unknowingly replay old stories and narratives on loop, preventing us from fully embodying our deepest truth, blocking us from creating the life we so deeply yearn for.
During the training immersion, we will be breathing into, excavating and uprooting any unconscious beliefs which hold you back from living your most authentic, celebrated and inspired life, and powerfully dismantling them at the level of the quantum. Once these false perceptual lenses are recognized, acknowledged and seen for what they are, they can be finally released from our consciousness.
From this process, you will discover how to become a true creator of your life, architecting your experience from a place of lucidity over conditioning. We will continuously encourage you to trust in your innate capacities, unique medicine and soul’s gifts. We will invite you to stand resiliently in your personal sovereignty— your authentic seat of power. And we will challenge you to remember your way back to the realm of infinite potential.
One of the most beautiful things we can do is to redefine our relationship with life. Each one of us is a vivid manifestation of universal creative intelligence, and it is our responsibility to tend to this relationship first and foremost, above all others. This (inner) relationship will ultimately determine the quality of all other (outer) relationships we have in this life. It is in this realization that we discover a spectrum of spiritual needs that must be met for us to thrive. Because of this, our relationships should serve to nourish, uplift, support, encourage, catalyze and propel us forward. Because if you aren’t growing with another, you are ultimately stagnating.
We will support you in taking a life inventory, ensuring that your relational, personal and business dynamics are in alignment with your deeper truth, and that they are supporting this new and empowered version of self. If they are not currently, ask yourself if this could this be stemming from old stories or belief structures that unconsciously reflect how you feel about yourself?
Life eternally wants to support you, and for you to fully align to this organic unfoldment, you must be willing to release any agreements you have made (consciously or unconsciously) that restrict the flow of abundance, creativity, love, sovereignty and connectivity. For when you remove the obstructions, such naturally want to pour through you.
Becoming a Breathwork Facilitator is not only fulfilling and meaningful on a personal level— it can be financially rewarding too. With a Sacred Breath Facilitator Certification, you will be able to create clean, heart-aligned wealth for both self and planet! Because overflowing abundance is your most inherent birthright. And we all deserve to have purposeful work and to thrive!
Our Facilitators can ask between $50 – $100 USD *per person for 2.5-3 hour group immersions (meaning up to $1000 an event for every 10 people who attend), $150-200 USD *per person for day-long or weekend immersions (meaning up to $2000 an event for every 10 people who attend), $200+ USD for private 2.5-3 hour immersions *per session, and beyond (dependent upon your experience, clientele and community income standards). If you run a day-long or 2-day weekend-long immersion with a minimum of 10 participants, you can generate up to $2000 USD for that workshop alone. If you hold 2 longer workshops a month, that is upward of $4K for 4 days a month of teaching alone. If you add in 2 private sessions a week (or 8 sessions a month), that is another $1600+. This means that it is possible to generate a baseline of $5600 a month with very few offerings. If you doubled your efforts, we are looking at over $11K a month as a possibility! And this is only as a part-time Facilitator… Being a full-time Breathwork Facilitator can bring you into the territory of $20K a month! The possibilities are endless!
We believe all beings deserve to have a career, purpose and passion they truly love,
creating an abundant life for themselves and their family,
while simultaneously contributing something meaningful back into the world.
Becoming a Sacred Breath Facilitator will provide the tools, knowledge and embodiment you require to create a soul-enriching practice that continually betters both yourself the world around you. In this, we provide for ourselves while simultaneously serving our communities and the greater collective.
At SBA… Everyone wins. Everyone thrives.
The Path of Breathwork Facilitation can pave the way for abundance in all forms, beyond just the financial aspect. Meaning, if a healing modality is truly life-changing (as breath medicine is), people will always invest into it— because there is no greater investment than into one’s most vibrant and aligned self. This then channels back into you as Facilitator and creates a symbiotic feedback loop of abundance between clients, facilitator, and the universe. Also, you are continuously co-journeying with your clients— as the breather heals, you heal. What this creates on a deeper, quantum level is boundless.
At SBA, we often say our “job” is literally to hold space for the miraculous to unfold— no exaggeration. And to us, there is nothing more rewarding, fulfilling or humbling than this. Because when one loves what they do, they never “work” a day in their life— they simply offer what ignites their being, warms their heart, and sets their soul on fire! We can promise you from years of direct, lived experience that this path leads to infinite blessings beyond measure. As there is nothing as beautiful or sublime as living a life in complete alignment with your higher purpose. What a gift…
Breath Medicine is truly unparalleled in its healing capabilities and the world yearns for this now more than ever. If you feel a resonance with our Academy, we invite you to join us and become part of the global solution which contributes to the healing and elevation of humanity, as well as the expansion of the collective consciousness. The more facilitators that bring this sacred work back into their communities, the more we create powerful ripples of change around the world.
Learn More About our Breathwork Ethos…
sba BLOGS:
The Return to the Feminine Principle in Breathwork
The Nose: The Intelligent Path of Breath
Understanding Cellular Memory, Emotional Imprinting and the Subconscious
— Complete the Digital Course + Virtual Breathwork Journeys (including full participation, attendance & punctuality, mastery of modules and multimedia content + engagement in self-study & self-awareness)
— Complete the 50-hr In-Person Intensive, lead Breathwork Journeys for the rest of the group, and fulfill final practicum & presentation
— Take Final Comprehensive Quiz on Breathwork, Facilitation and Trauma-Informed Fundamentals and demonstrate embodied aptitude & capacity for the role of Facilitator and Attuned Space-Holder
— Experience 10 Self-Breathwork Journeys (post Digital Course) with personal reflections on each to be submitted
— Observe 3 x Virtual Breathwork Journeys as a witness (post Digital Course) with personal reflections on each to be submitted
— Lead 10 x individuals (friends, family or clients) through 3 x 1:1 Private Breathwork Journeys (post Intensive) with detailed participant feedback to be submitted
— Complete the Post-Requisite and Course Reading Requirements
* Please note that this training is to certify those wanting to teach under the Sacred Breath name and lineage. You may, of course, create your own breathwork umbrella name/brand name if you desire so long as still noting the Sacred Breath Method, Sacred Breathwork or Sacred Breath Immersions/Journeys/Ceremonies/etc. But please respect this lineage— our method is not to be taught or used without honoring it. Do have a deep self-check in that you will remain in integrity with our intellectual property and life’s work before taking our training as not everyone has in the past. Thank you for your consideration in this.
The practice of conscious, connected breath is truly next level, a primary reason why we have taken it around the world and continue to remain in awe of the radical transformations it catalyzes in the breather. People who have consistently practiced different modalities of the spiritual arts and development (even for multiple decades or their entire lives) say that this practice takes them beyond anything they have ever experienced in all of their work and all of their years. Sacred Breathwork can, at times, mirror the experience of a plant medicine journey but with no substances. The breath is the medicine, guide and teacher. This work transcends words, space and time. And so, we passionately dedicate ourselves to its proliferation.
On our journey of facilitating this work, we have learned the importance of honoring its magnitude and trusting that we can come into the most tender and vulnerable places of self if we enter with humility, openness and reverence for the mystery. We are committed to spreading this knowledge and sharing this practice with those who are sincerely devoted to personal healing and planetary service. Only serious applicants will be considered. You would be trained in the spirit of the Sacred Breath Lineage through our Academy, though the work will also inspire your unique soul expression to shine forth (what you are here to offer into the world; your dharmic purpose). Remember, we are each coded with something exquisitely unique and inordinately beautiful and this is your time to rise into all that you are. You are needed now.
Let’s change the world together...
- Sheldon Saul Hendler, MD, Ph.D.
Become a Certified Breathwork Facilitator through Sacred Breath Academy
and learn the Art of The Sacred Breath Method™ of Conscious, Connected Breathwork,
Ethical, Attuned and Embodied Space-Holding,
Shamanic, Ceremonial or Intentional Container-Creation,
Deep Circling, Reflecting and Processing,
and Conscious, Heart-Centered Leadership.
Become a Masterful Way-Shower of the Breathwork Movement
and Skilled in Leading Life-Changing Breathwork Immersions.
A Full List of Training Testimonials may be found here…
“This past week has been the most amazing, soul-exposing, paradigm-shifting weeks of my life. I remembered so many truths, activated, initiated and realigned to my potential. It was magic! Kaya, you are one of the most phenomenal teachers I’ve ever had the pleasure of sitting with. You embody truth, wisdom and purpose in a way that is authentic and healing to witness. You did more than teach breath medicine this week, you taught me that there is more than enough space in this world for me. You are a true leader, activator and collective healer. I am so grateful!” - Nui
“There’s really just no words to explain the magnitude of what this past week has been for me. Training is just not a word that feels right, it was more like a 7-day download. As if the fabric of my being, the core of my self has now seen itself, recognized it’s truth, and can now permanently hold up an internal mirror whenever I choose. The gratitude I have for Kaya feels completely uncontained by words. Like having a vision late at night of what you think is possible in this world, dreaming up what your heart can see with no bounds, and then experiencing that right in front of your eyes. It gives me hope, strength, and courage to continue moving towards my own inner truths. - Melissa
“Sacred Breath Academy changed my life. The shifts that occurred during the Facilitator Training were undeniable and powerful. Going through the process was challenging yet beautiful, all within a safe container led by the ethereal Kaya. Kaya guided us through a deeply transformative week and allowed each of us to come into our own power. I reclaimed forgotten parts of myself and rediscovered a sense of self-worth that I thought I had lost forever. I now feel ready to hold space for others and feel incredibly passionate about sharing this work with as many people as possible. Kaya, I am in deep gratitude of your soul. I don’t think my words can fully describe the enormity of the shifts that have happened. You are the ultimate space holder and I feel confident and powerful because of your encouragement and compassion towards me. I am forever grateful to you and will take the Breathwork torch and set Canada ablaze. If you are looking for something that will activate a huge paradigm shift in your life, then understand that by reading my words, you are not here by accident and that you are ready to come into your highest potential.” - Brandon
It’s been two weeks since I finished the Level 1 Breathwork Facilitator Course with Kaya and the other amazing facilitators and it still feels like a dream! The depth and connection that we all felt in that week will stay with each and every one of us infinitely. In the last two weeks, I have been processing everything and integrating the changes into my life and my teachings- it has transformed me on a deeply cellular level. Kaya has developed a practice that is infused with love- I have never felt as held, safe and supported in a breathwork session as I did during the course in Bali. The softness and tenderness that Kaya has taught us to bring into this sacred space with others is beautiful. The Sacred Breath brings you home. The week in Bali changed me forever. The connection that I had with the other women, I will never forget. I feel like our souls entwined in a place that our humanness is not able to understand, but to our spirit, its everything we know to be true. It was like time and space had no beginning and no end. In the realm and container that we lovingly enter through breathwork, we truly learn our path here on this earth plane, and we remember who we are. My life and my work have changed in so many ways since I arrived back from Bali. I started writing my next book, and even though it was already written inside my soul, it has a greater depth that is now being woven through it. We are all searching for something in this life. We have often sought externally through different modalities, believing that another person has the answer to heal us. To know that the answers we seek are instead within us- this will always stay with me. This work is so needed in this world, and I am eternally grateful that the Sacred Breath Academy was born in my lifetime! Kaya, from the bottom of my heart - thank you.” - Susy
“This week. I— can’t find the words— I am utterly in love with mama earth, with my new friends, with myself, with you. To think I ever sought joy outside myself, when all this time the treasured gold I was looking for was inside me all along. Thank you to all of the events of the world that led me to find Sacred Breath Academy … to uncover what I had always carried within me. I cannot begin to convey how powerful, wonderful, intense yet glorious Breathwork is! Breath medicine is a magical tool in which we heal ourselves— no outside sources necessary. But I will say having fabulous, compassionate facilitators deepens your experience and touches your heart. If you have a chance to study, heal and grow with these amazing teachers and humans, DO IT!” - EJ
“This was the most potent, powerful, and healing training I have ever committed to in this life- and I have been through a lot of those kinds of journeys. Through this healing Sacred Breath Facilitator Training, so much ancient wisdom was surfaced, remembered, and revealed- both individually and collectively. Kaya is a true spirit guide. This woman invites and inspires the essence that is within us all to awaken, rise, and be activated. Through the medicine of breath, beauty ways, and ancient and modern wisdom that she embodies, she brings forth a unique, nurturing energy in to the field where nothing is judged and everything is welcomed. A container of love and support to grow in was co-created both through her and her competent, heart-centered team. My being has opened to yet another dimension. A spark within the heart has been ignited to this divine heritage that is for each and everyone of us holding space on our dear planet at this time. I am empowered to fulfill the next step of my soul’s calling, and to step forth together into this strong web we are weaving- a global community of space-holders, healers, way-showers, starseeds and paradigm-shifters, here to assist in the ascension of our precious planet. Kaya is a lighthouse with deep sincerity and wisdom and I highly recommend any training with her and Sacred Breath Academy.” - Bjork
“Participating in the Sacred Breathwork Facilitator Training was a heart-opening and life-changing experience! Kaya and her team create a beautifully sacred and healing space for personal growth through the breathwork and also fully prepare you to guide others through the process. They encourage each participant to find their own path of facilitation, which felt empowering and respectful of our own learning and process. It is clear they each have done their own work in the way that they show up with authenticity, unconditional love, non-judgment, and integrity. They are experts at intuiting and meeting people where they are! I can’t wait to do more work with them in the future. I highly recommend this training for anyone interested in breathwork and teaching it in their communities!” - Sharon
“My deepest Gratitude to Kaya for holding such a powerful container this past week, and to the beautifully courageous souls accompanying me on this journey. The depths of my being that I was able to traverse would not have been actualized were it not for the immense presence of safety felt. I have immersed myself in such powerful practices to clear and heal early childhood trauma, however, the breath is a tool that I had yet to utilize in such a way. The unwinding of the trauma within my nervous system, the years of tension held and then released in just a few days, still leaves me in such awe and wonder. Our bodies hold within us such magnificent technologies. If only to find the access to these, and own this embodiment with such vigor. Patiently yet eagerly awaiting the day I too weave this potent force of the breath into my offerings.” - Cherazade
“Breathwork was the key to unlocking the door to a whole universe inside of myself that I did not know existed. It was only by stepping through this door and beginning to walk on the path that lay ahead, that I was able to become conscious of and meet the many aspects of my multi-dimensional self. Breathwork was the catalyst for me to embark on the most powerful self-healing journey, the illuminator of my most authentic essence that had unknowingly remained dormant all along, and the trigger to unleashing the infinite and boundless creativity and passion that exists within me. Through this work, I experienced a powerful reunion with my higher self. I am eternally grateful that I was led to The Sacred Breath Academy to dive deeper into my personal breathwork practise. The Sacred Breath Method is a beautifully-crafted Breathwork journey which allows one to go deep within their own being, and Kaya and her team create and hold the most amazing space for all sorts of magic and personal healing to unfold. The teachings of The Sacred Breath Academy fully embody what is means to be a light worker, and by simply sharing this breath medicine with others, we are already doing our part to birth the new paradigm on Earth. This training is for anyone who wants to live a life of peace, joy and abundance, and to create heaven on Earth, which is only a breath away!” - Izzy
“I was 35 weeks pregnant when I attended the Sacred Breath Facilitator Training with Kaya, (working with a modified gentle breath safe for pregnancy). I knew the healing power of the breath and I knew the healing power of women in circle. Kaya’s approach to breathwork is feminine and shamanic: it’s about approaching the body intelligence and wisdom with tenderness, nurturance, sensuality, deep trust and self love. And it is about daring to dive deep within ourselves, feeling safe to reclaim all parts of who we are. Breathwork gave me all that I needed to prepare for the rites of passage of birthing my child and birthing myself as the mother that I dreamed to be... My baby is now turning 5 months, the whole world has been in quarantine for two months, and I spend most of my time anchored in ...mmmh...bliss. Fear, concerns, and worries about the state of the world and the wellbeing of friends and family reach me sometimes, and I spin around for a bit... but quickly I go back to that precious pristine place that became so clear during the Sacred Breath Training: I go back to Source, this cosmic place where my unborn baby and I were floating in total serenity and harmony with all the trees of the world, the stars of the universe, our ancestors, animal and spirit allies, and all of Life... During those mystical journeys, my unborn baby and I visited diverse astral realms, clearing together intergenerational, childhood and collective traumas. We also spent time envisioning the world we want to live in... When I nurse my baby I remember the Sacred Breath, the sacred journey to my core... Today I trust myself and Life more than I ever have.” - Lili
“Below are my words that I feel could never really explain the profoundness of the training, but here goes! I recently completed the Level 1 Breathwork Facilitator training with Sacred Breath Academy and it was one of the most powerful learning, healing and growing experiences of my life. From the first moment I sat down in the opening circle, I knew my life would never be the same. Although I’ve practiced breathwork for many years, what sets Sacred Breath apart from the rest is the deep holding you feel within the space. The holding present allowed me to uncover parts of myself that were so important. The container created was so sacred and I will forever be carrying that into my world and community. As a facilitator, Kaya has a presence that I’ve not felt in a learning environment before. She oozes love, acceptance and embodies her truth in a way that was refreshing to witness and is so badly needed in this world. She holds space that feels so sacred and so nourishing that you are able to go deep within to retrieve the medicine you need. Every time I laid down to breathe, it was like coming home, over and over again. I was able to heal traumas from this life and beyond, gain clarity around my path, and in the most vulnerable of spaces, the facilitators held me in ways I have been yearning for on a deep soul level. I learned more than just facilitating breathwork. I learned that when souls come together led by the heart, a ripple of change is sent out across the planet. I learned that to be a great leader, you must lead yourself with presence, truth and trust first, and that external “sparkly shit” means nothing if you don’t have that inner world knowing walking with you, in every step. For the first time in my life, I felt safe to be me. To be all of me, no matter how “too much” it may feel for others. Breathwork has been one of the most groundbreaking modalities I have ever used. The past week has been an unfoldment of truth and knowing I have felt inside me for so long. This work is THE TOOL & BRIDGE between the inner and outer worlds. I had been working with the breath for years prior to the Sacred Breath Training, however through the way in which it was taught to us this week, I have relearned *everything* I thought I knew about Breathwork. If you are thinking about this training, please do it. I can’t recommend it enough. Even if you don’t want to facilitate in your community, it’s one of the best experiences and tools I’ve ever invested in.” - Louise
This experience has been a sanctity of spirit: a metamorphosis, reclamation and activation within each multidimensional layer of my makeup. Here, in this space, you not only engage with the entirety of your being, but with the caverns of your spirit and divine nature. You not only explore chambers of knowledge, research, and depths of emotional intelligence, attuned space holding, the brilliancy of breath, imprinting, the nervous system, profound soul matters, but you begin to dance with life itself, on a level that is unexplainable until experienced. Here, at Sacred Breath Academy, you are gifted a space of freedom, the type of freedom that the soul craves to take flight into, and you spread your wings, and fly on the divine currents of source itself. I knew that this was going to be transformational. I felt it in my bones and the beating of my heart as it began to call. Though any bit of perceived knowing was absolutely blown away, dismantled in an inability to hold the magnitude of this sacred work. The moments of lying on the mat, surrounded by this family, immersing myself into this journey, are moments that have changed me in ways that can only be described as divine. That which breath has the power to unwind, to touch, to honor, the raw capacity of this work to heal is beyond. This is the work. This, is what the world needs. This medicine, when committed to by our leaders, through unconditional love and heart, can be taken into their specialties, into the unique expressions of their dharmas, their spaces, their communities, and bring about great healing, empowering each individual in ways unlike anything else. The Sacred Breath Academy is unmatched in its devotion to healing and training trauma-informed facilitators, capable of upholding this medicine with the true respect that it demands by its powerful nature. With the potency of this medicine, it is imperative to only accept sacred spaces of somatic safety. Sacred Breath Academy is this. The call of this work, this medicine, is here. Breath is that which tethers it all and I truly believe this work is the forgotten key, remembered. Kaya, with veneration I thank you. That which you teach is exquisite beyond measure. The caliber of this training and of your ability to hold space and serve as a guide into each journey was a true privilege to experience, and to be a part of. Every cell in my body and soul knew it was safe within this container to explore the deepest, most vulnerable parts of myself. I bow in gratitude. The multilayered unwinding, the ecstatic joy, the great rivers of tears, the awe-inspired aha-instances of deep uncovering and truth unveiled, each a holy moment that cannot be captured in words. You are a Mother of Breath. This was truly breath-giving, a multitude of sacredness proclaiming life, permeating our hearts, and forever changing our lives. Deepest love” - Alexandra
Breathwork Facilitator Certification Investment Options
*Keep in mind that once you graduate, on average, leading 2 day-long breath workshops with 15-20+ people in each will pay for the cost of the training and then some. It is an investment that will continue its return in numerous ways— both inwardly and outwardly.
For both options, we also have 2-8 Month Installment Plans Available.
We also offer Financial Hardship and POC/BIPOC PARTIAL scholarships. Click here for more details.
We have designed our course structure to be offered in tiered pathways, ultimately leading to certification. If you are unsure if you wish to facilitate this work just yet, or if you have financial limitations, you may take the course and make the investment in 2 stages (Pathways 2 and 3). If you would just like to take the immersion for self-development and personal healing, that would be Pathway 1 only.
Note: 50-hr Intensive is mandatory to be a practicing Facilitator with the Academy. The cost of the 50-hr Intensive is for the training tuition only— food and lodging are not included. Cost of nightly bungalow/villa/casita rental + food at our retreat facilities can be as low as $50-75 USD per day, depending on rates, location and availability.
Pathway 1: The Breath Alchemy Immersion is open to anyone feeling the call to journey within using breath as a guide.
This is the first half of our Level 1 Facilitator Course but also a personal deep dive.
You will receive immediate access upon signing up for the course. Click here for more details on the Breath Alchemy Immersion.
Pathway 2 + 3: Those wanting to become Certified Breathwork Facilitators must complete all pathways and begin with Pathway 2.
Completing all Pathways fulfills the 400-hr Breathwork Facilitator Training certified through Sacred Breath Academy.
Note: If you are contraindicated you may still take our training, and work with a gentler breath alternative instead that is supportive and honoring of your condition.
Step 3: IF you have not experienced CONSCIOUS connected breathwork (CCB) beforE
BOOK A JOURNEY HERE TO EXPERIENCE this style of BREATHWORK + our unique method/container
If you have journeyed with us and/or are already familiar with CCB, there is no need to book a journey before registering.
Yes, all 3 Pathways are necessary to become a Certified Breathwork Facilitator under the Sacred Breath Method and lineage. The final In-Person Intensive is what is required to substantiate and officially certify you as a Breathwork Facilitator. Please note that students cannot offer this work to others in any capacity, become accredited, or obtain Practitioner’s insurance without this final in-person component of the process.
How long will it take me to complete the Digital course?
Depending on your location, the Digital Course will take you a minimum of 4-6 months to complete. The Digital Course is self-paced and we host weekly Breathwork Journeys in alternating time zones, which you can book in when it’s most convenient with your schedule. Most students take their time, and complete the Digital Course between 6-12 months. After the Digital Course is complete, you will attend the In-Person Intensive and can afterwards begin on your post-requisite work to become a Certified Breathwork Facilitator.
No, you must complete the In-Person Intensive before you are able to facilitate Breathwork Journeys in any capacity. If you are interested in self-study + delving into deeper understandings of space-holding + trauma-informed, attuned and ethical guidance in healing arts, then you could always take the Digital Course and stop there. We do have some students who stop at Pathway 2, and use the course for their own personal development and self-mastery versus getting certified. After completing the Breath Alchemy Immersion + Digital Course, you may self-journey and use the technique on yourself only. However, if you want to be a fully Certified Facilitator and teach the work, then you must fulfill all 3 pathways.
If you’re interested in this experience for your own personal healing and awakening journey, you can explore the Breath Alchemy Immersion as a stand-alone study (Pathway 1). You can start with Pathway 1and build from there as you go. The decision ultimately depends on whether you want to carry forth the work or not.
We host all scheduled events in alternating times which accommodate most time zones world-wide. By working with a revolving schedule, we can support a global container in the most fair and balanced way. All live sessions will be booked out a month ahead on our platform so students can mark the dates in advance. Digital Course is self-paced, however the Breathwork Journeys must be attended live. Students can look at the monthly schedule and book Journeys "a la carte," whenever your schedule allows.
Americas/Europe/UK| 8am EST, 12pm EST (New York Time)
Americas/Asia/Australia| 3am EST, 5am EST, 5pm EST, 6pm EST (New York Time)
We are open year round, with a reduced schedule during winter + summer breaks.
The Breath Alchemy Immersion includes 5 Virtual Breathwork Journeys. The Level 1 Digital Course includes 25 Virtual Breathwork Journeys. Please note that 10 Course Journeys must be fulfilled to complete the Digital Course prior to attending the In-Person Intensive.
We hold In-Person Intensives internationally, usually in the early Spring, Summer and/or late Fall. Some of our previous Intensives have been held in the USA, Mexico, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Costa Rica, Thailand and Bali.
What if i am unable to travel due to mandates, personal reasons or other restrictions?
While our primary intention is to have all of our students certified In-Person, we do have a Virtual Intensive option available for those who are unable to travel. However, please note that the Virtual Intensive is at a higher price point, due to how involved it is for our team. In essence, it is like a semi-private training with personal feedback after each submission.
Is Sacred Breath Academy a member of any professional organization or accredited by anyone like GPBA Alliance?
The Breathwork field does not have the same kind of governing bodies like the yoga world, etc however we do operate under one professional organization called The International Breathwork Foundation (IBF). Sacred Breath Academy is an organizational member of the IBF, as noted on our training webpage.
Additionally, we are an established Academy that has been a field leader for over 9 years, unlike many of the ‘pop-up’ schools we see certifying with no industry credibility or established longevity. That said, SBA Facilitator accreditation is under our school, a breathwork field leader, and the greater umbrella of the International Breathwork Foundation.
The reason why we don’t fully align with the GPBA (Global Professional Breathwork Alliance) is because we don’t believe it takes 2 to 4 years for a student to become certified (according to their timeline standards) so as long as a training is conducted with thoroughness, integrity and responsibility. With this approach, we believe certification can take place within a year (up to two years as needed). Through our informational page, leading-edge training, pre and post requisites, 43+ practice sessions, and in-person intensive, we have one of the most comprehensive breathwork trainings in the field. Also, time does not necessarily equate to an embodiment or mastery of the work. Depth, refinement and embodiment are key in our eyes.
Where did Kaya receive her training as a facilitator/master breathwork trainer?
Kaya has created her own lineage, modality and school based on extensive years of training and apprenticing, advanced study, and years of embodied practice. She originally trained under a Shamanic Breathwork lineage with Earthwalk Journeys and private breathwork mentorship with a variety of renowned teachers, however, after witnessing that much of the Breathwork field was missing a trauma-informed and feminine component (a principle which exists in everyone and is not specific to women), she wove together her own modality called the Sacred Breath Method (SBM) through years of personal study, breathwork mastery, and extensive training in somatics, emotional intelligence, the subconscious domain, the nervous system + trauma and polyvagal principles, and more. The SBM is based on the principles of trauma awareness, nervous system coherence, the quality of allowance over force, and a parasympathetic-driven approach to support the delicate and sensitive spaces that we access in Breathwork. The SBM is based on the principles of trauma awareness, nervous system coherence, the quality of allowance over force, and a parasympathetic-driven approach to support the delicate and sensitive spaces that we access in Breathwork. You can read more about the Sacred Breath Method here.
At the end of the day, individuals can have walls filled with framed accreditations and still fail to actually embody their craft or have enough self-awareness to hold it in an integral and ethical way, as we have seen time and time again. Because of this, we are deep supporters of external training combined with experientially-based wisdom, something which only comes through the art and mastery of the craft and the subsequent wisdom cultivated and refined over time from a true embodiment of the work. Kaya has over a decade of real-time, embodied experience in the field.
The training tuition may be paid in full or in 2-8 installments. Please note that there is a small additional interest fee for installment plans over 2 months through our payment processing service. Terms and Conditions: The training tuition is non-refundable and non-transferrable unless in the event of an unforeseen emergency that prevents the student from taking it. In the case of such an emergency, the training investment may be held as a credit, available for up to a year. Credit transfers are subject to $150 administrative fee. Only join this training if you are fully committed to yourself, the work, and your deepest soul’s growth!
* Enrollment to the course will require signing up for an automatic 2-8 month payment plan or submitting payment in full. Keep in mind that trainees will not be certified until installment plans are fulfilled and one cannot legally teach as a Certified Facilitator or receive healing arts insurance without official certification. If you commit to an installment plan, please be realistic on whether you can see it through or not. If you were to lose income in the midst of an installment plan, we will work with you and do our best to meet your needs, but certification would then be paused until the plan could be resumed.
*If a student receives a financial-relief discount due to unemployment and were to become re-employed after the training, with income restored, we ask that you please circle back to pay the full amount over time, as we have a full team to support at our Academy. We are going above and beyond to make this training accessible, so please value and honor our time and energy if you are to come back into steady income. Thank you for your understanding!
In-Person Intensive Tuition: A payment for Pathway 3 or the Complete Facilitator’s Certification is required to hold your place in the In-person Intensive of your choice. The Intensive tuition is non-refundable and non-transferrable unless in the event of a true emergency. In the case of this, the intensive tuition may be transferred to another intensive at a later date or transferred to another trainee. The Intensive tuition may be transferred up to 30 days before the training’s start date less a $150 administration fee.
If you would like to join us but have more questions first, we ask that you inquire via an email at hello@sba-global.com.
We would love to have you in our training! Let’s spread breath medicine far and wide…
Kaya writes: The very first trainings that I took I had to find a way to fund, as I did not have the financial resources available to me at that point. I actually had to take out lines of credit for them to pay back overtime. And...it was the best thing I ever invested in – myself, my calling, and my purpose. If you truly want something for yourself and it’s in alignment, the universe will find a way to make it happen. But you have to have the willingness to show up. Firstly, it’s important to overcome any limiting narratives which suggest that it’s not possible for you and instead activate your innate resourcefulness, resilience and creativity. The moment you say "I can’t" or "I don't have the money", you will set this in motion. However the moment you say "I will find a way to make this happen", it will be so. In the same way that many have had to take out educational loans for University, Healing Arts Trainings are equally as valid and vital. To support you in your resourcefulness, we have compiled a list of creative avenues for training fundraising.
How to Get Creative with Fundraising
1- Utilize your network. Ask your family, friends, etc to donate- tell them this training is really important to you and will support you with the evolution of your skills and knowledge base. Ask them if they will help you with the funding you need to make it a reality.
2- Start saving! Delayed gratification can be even sweeter. Enrollment for our trainings is available year-round and in-person intensives will be held multiple times a year. Also, remember this course will pay itself back many times over if you decide to become an active Practitioner.
3- Consider crowd funding (Go Fund Me or Kickstarter) or independent fundraising initiatives.
4- Ask someone to sponsor you.
5- Ask for early birthday money from family.
6- Take out a line of credit or a loan (even from a family member) to pay back.
And so many more avenues if you get creative! Remember there are infinite resources at your disposal if you simply take the time to explore them… You are an inherently abundant being. You got this!