The Sacred Breath Academy

Training Manifesto & Commitment

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We fully commit to uphold the integrity of our lineage,

this deep, transformative healing work,

and the medicine and power of breath.



One cannot actualize their Fully-Empowered Leadership and Awakened Facilitation until they clear the pathways in self, creating a fully receptive and anchored space for these octaves within their own being, first and foremost.

One cannot stand as a Guide to others until they begin to actually know themselves within their deepest and unexplored facets, truly and intimately.

For we may only meet and hold others at the depth in which we have met and held ourselves. 

One cannot stand as a Way-Shower to others until they uproot, excavate and meet the subconscious mechanisms of what is motivating, directing and influencing them in their desire to guide, preserving the truth behind the “why” while dismantling the distortion.

Facilitator or Facilitator to Be…

Have you self-examined these influences?

Have you explored the shadow side of your need or desire for perceived leadership?

Have you delved into any ways in which you are unknowingly spiritually bypassing?

Have you looked to the ways in which you may be causing unintentional harm through lack of self-awareness?

Conversely, have you honed and anchored your leadership blueprint, unique gifts and soul medicine?

Are you standing fully in your power, voice, authenticity and truth?

How clear, embodied and activated can you commit to becoming in your own being before showing up for anyone else?

If ones do not take the inward quest of uncovering what is continually influencing them in real-time (through subconscious yet very palpable directives), they will continue to teach from shadow, trauma, ego and wound distortion, unintentionally perpetuating harm within so-called “healing” containers.

(For a greater understanding on how we are driven by the subconscious domain, please explore our blog post here.)

And we see far too many leading from these textures already in our healing arts sphere.

Yet if one doesn’t claim, actualize and embody their dharma, medicine, voice and truth, they will not fulfill their soul destiny as a conscious leader of our future…

At SBA, we guide our facilitators to explore all of these textures so they may clear their blocks to leading while fully activating themselves and their highest dreams!

Facilitator or Facilitator to Be…

Do you commit to the work? To the great uncovering?

To radical self-responsibility?

To become self-aware before you guide others? 

To embody your deepest truth and gifts without question?

To live your medicine boldly and unabashedly?

At SBA, we gracefully demand more of the leaders of tomorrow,

As we simultaneously commit to dismantling the harmful shadow side of spiritual leadership, together.

Awakened Leaders, it is our time to rise, collectively dreaming a new world into being.

Sacred Breath Trainings courageously invite the facilitator-in-training into deep lucidity and authentic alignment so that they may live and lead by example— through sacred power, compassionate presence and real-time embodiment.

Remember, whatever we do not clear, resolve or come into relationship with in ourselves, we bring into the healing space. 

So let us stand in our truest embodiment to co-create our exquisite future together.




1- Our foremost intention is that the integrity of Sacred Breathwork and of our Lineage is preserved and honored. We carefully screen our students through applications, interviews and deeply feeling into them before bringing them into our container of transformation. We understand that the degree of self-awareness held (and inner work done) will ultimately determine whether an individual is in a space of readiness and ripeness to hold attuned space for another so that they may guide them responsibly, intuitively and ethically through the breathwork process. Though we honor where each potential student is on their journey and path of development, if someone has not done the necessary work on themselves to become lucid to what is influencing them, it will not only create felt leaks in the training container, but will affect the alchemy and process of the whole. (In these cases, the individual would want to become more self-aware before stepping into the role of facilitator.) We craft our containers very intentionally and mindfully to allow for a potent group alchemy to take place.

We are here to empower light workers, new paradigm leaders, Aquarian-age visionaries, and embodied healers to pass on the tools of breath medicine. We are not here to teach the basics of self-inquiry and awareness, or validate unconscious ego-driven mechanisms for certifications and trainings. (Always with love) We instead call forth those who have done the inner work, become self-aware, and are ready to activate their highest leadership codes by bringing the art of breathwork into their communities and the world at large. Many schools approach trainings from a profit and numbers standpoint, accepting anyone and everyone who will pay, with no screening and little consideration for what they are weaving on a greater scale. This is unfortunately setting the stage for the growing volume of irresponsible breathwork facilitation we are witnessing today. We at SBA instead approach trainings in service of the highest good of the whole and in ethics for the craft. Because of these considerations, our trainings are smaller and more intimate, not exceeding 20-25 people at a time, carefully seeded with attuned souls from all around the globe. Not only does this allow for more personalized and hands-on experience + ethical and honorable preservation of the work, but the tribe and community created from our training pods will become those of life-long connection. 

2- We train our students in Holistic Breathwork + broad-spectrum integration, including breath tapering, breath gestation, restorative breathwork savasana, and post-breath processing, grounding and recalibration (in a sea of rushed and forced breathwork with no integration), and value it as equally important as the breathwork journey itself— for this is how the breather may integrate, anchor and embody the powerful inner shifts induced by breath back into their lives. Many schools skip this step altogether or emphasize it very minimally. We instead instill a holistic approach to breathwork which also includes quantum belief work, thought inventories, emotional inquiry and intelligence, conscious communication skills, epigenetics, activating and inspiring forth one’s unique gifts, and much more. Real and sustained change does not take place through internal realizations or the temporary peace found on a meditation pillow, but instead born through how we show up in real-time within each manifestation of our lives— for ourselves; in our intimate relationships and partnerships; for our families, friends, and loved ones; in our sacred service, work, communities and beyond. It is especially evident in how we respond to challenge, trigger and conflict, both inner and outer.

The most important personal growth does not happen when all is tranquil or still. It happens through the depth of relating, when you have the opportunity to consciously choose your response instead of unconsciously or habitually react. It happens when you are angry or afraid and you can pause to bring in radical self-care and higher awareness. When you can fully tend to and honor your deepest needs before all else. When you can speak and honor your essential truth, allowing others to be responsible for their own reactions and emotional state. When you can take ownership of your total being, and meet each aspect of your experience in intimate acceptance. When you can fully allow each texture of life (in both joy and pain, comfort and discomfort) to flow through you, as you, without resistance to what is. When you definitively move from unconscious victimhood to sovereign empowerment. And when you can stand resiliently in your fully-actualized purpose, offering your higher gifts in service to the evolution of humanity. This is the real work, and the breathwork mat is only the beginning of one’s empowered metamorphosis.

3- Our training immersions are powerful and multifaceted. The word we hear most often is “life-changing.” This is not said from ego, but rather a direct feedback loop of reflection. Sacred Breath Trainings are intentionally designed to be experiential and transmission-based as well as cutting-edge and instructional, so that all parts of your being are absorbing the information and wisdom. We weave together metaphysics, sacred arts, science, alternative psychology, intuitive guidance, somatic inquiry, inner journeying, direct gnosis, leadership attunement and beyond. You can read in-depth about them here. Our immersions are not only opportunities to acquire breathwork skills and knowledge— they are also sacred initiations and exquisite rites of passage into the role of Way-Shower, something needed in our world now more than ever. Each trainee experiences both an inner and outer journey during our time together. The first half of our trainings are devoted to self-discovery, clearing, integration and healing work, where the trainee’s personal metamorphosis paves the way for how fully they can show up as a facilitator throughout the rest of the training. Remember, we can only meet others as deeply as we have met ourselves…

4- We teach Breathwork in a way that is trauma-informed and both emotionally-intelligent. Our breathwork method works with a specific nose inhale cycle and artfully-woven immersive container, which takes into account nervous system regulation, somatic unwinding and trauma release, in addition to many other facets of transformational journeying. We fully understand the ethical responsibility of breathwork facilitation due to the nature of what this modality can surface in journeyers. This is big, life-changing and paradigm-shifting work and it is imperative that we understand its depth. Because of this knowing, we promote safe, intentional and artful descents into the subconscious, dream-time state induced by breathwork (theta brainwave), where breathers feel fully held and supported to let go and deepen into their personal process of healing. When breathers are held in a compassionate and loving field of pure potentiality, miracles will happen. We additionally support free-form, uninhibited expression and longer, therapeutic, yin journeying, which is the gateway to full self-healing and empowerment. To learn more about ethical vs unethical breathwork, check out our blog post here. We also have several different Breathwork formats that we teach, which can be adapted for many different kinds of clients and environments (i.e. from shamanic ceremony to professional workplace and everything in-between). 



The Sacred Breath Academy Training Program is one of the most spiritually-imbued and multifaceted Breathwork Trainings available, where the personal metamorphosis of the facilitator-in-training is held equally to the real-time skills acquired. Each student will experience both an inner and outer transformation throughout our training immersion. 

Please also note that breathwork is big, life-changing work and it is imperative that we honor its magnitude. Because of this knowing, our Academy remains a leader and pioneer of ethical, trauma-informed and responsible space-holding. We have heard far too many stories to count within the Breathwork community of breathwork being held in an irresponsible and/or non-informed way, and so it has become our FOREMOST INTENTION to set an unwavering community standard of impeccability and somatic safety when guiding this work. We hope that you will all join us in this standard!

Become a Certified Breathwork Facilitator through Sacred Breath Academy, a leader of the breathwork community, innovator of the Sacred Breath Method™, and pioneer of the breathwork ethics/responsibility movement. SBA is Founded, Created and Stewarded by Kaya Leigh and The Sacred Breath Method™ was innovated by Kaya Leigh.

Lead paradigm-shifting breathwork immersions to transform others on the deepest levels of mind, body and spirit. The practice of conscious, connected breathwork is truly unparalleled in its healing capabilities and the world yearns for this powerful, somatic medicine now more than ever. If you know you are meant for this work, we invite you to learn more about our Breathwork Academy and Wisdom Teachings to become a Certified Breathwork Facilitator, Teacher and Way-Shower. Together, let us bring this profound inner technology to those ready to receive, create powerful quantum ripples, and be at the forefront of an emerging spiritual renaissance.

The Sacred Breath Academy Professional Certification Training is an Unparalleled Journey into the Art, Science and Mastery of Breathwork Facilitation, along with Ethical, Intuitive and Attuned Space-Holding. It is also an Exquisite Initiation into Embodied, Spiritual Leadership and Visionary Way-Showing within an emerging new paradigm of consciousness. 

If you feel ready to apply, click here.