Essential Questions for Every Being
The most important exploration of all…
Move through these inquiries at the beginning of of our work together and again at the end. Some answers will stay the same and some will change entirely. Stay open and receptive throughout the process.
Sacred Inquiries to Know Thyself and Hone and Refine Your Highest Vision
Set an intentional space and play binaural beats or hertz frequencies to drop into an alpha brainwave (like 528). Or play this in 432 hz. Practice 5+ minutes of conscious connected breath, entering into a deeply meditative state. Next set the intention for your highest knowing and inner wisdom to emerge and speak through you. Then begin the questions below with sincere self-inquiry, from the heart space and not the mind. Ask each question into your heart, allow some moments to uncover the answer inwardly, then journal on each one by one at a mindful tempo. It is also possible to sit with a few questions every day for a couple of weeks. Some questions may be similar yet worded slightly differently to inspire different parts of self to emerge. Let the writing be loose, free-flowing, and without the interference of the mind’s control. Think “stream of consciousness” style from your deepest centers of knowing…
Let’s begin
1- Who am I... really?
2- Who or what is leading your life? (List both conscious and unconscious forces which influence, drive and motive your behavior, choices, responses, reactions, self-thought, belief structures and coping responses/patterns, etc)
3- What are the primary energies which comprise your most intimate relationships? (friends, family, lovers, partners, friendships)
4- Are you in conscious and lucid control of your life or are you in the “backseat” to unconscious mechanisms?
5- (A) How do you define yourself and B) How do you want to define yourself (at this current point on your earth walk/journey of life)? (Of course we are infinitely evolving, shifting, changing and growing but what are the self-definitions and traits most valuable to you right now?) Be as descriptive as possible.
6- What are the qualities of your most authentic self? How does that self want to show up in the world?
7- If your soul had a voice, what would it say? How would it express itself? In other words, what is the song of your soul?
8- What does your soul yearn to dream, birth or weave into being? (This may be one strong knowing or several things)
9- What do you love? What are your heart’s desires? What are your highest (and most organic) passions? What ignites, inspires, stirs, moves and catalyzes you?
10- What allows you to feel deeply satisfied? Met? Seen? Heard? Known? Witnessed? Held? Connected to? A part of?
11- What do you (or would you) joyously jump out of bed for in the morning? What makes (or would make you) you come ecstatically alive?
12- If your soul essence had a dharmic blueprint, what would it be? (In other words, what did you come to earth for, specifically in this timeline? Or if that’s unclear, breathe deeply and ask yourself... Why did you incarnate here?)
13- How can you express your highest passions and inner yearnings on a daily basis? (Even in small, simple ways) For example: Your body yearns for more movement and self-expression but you have a habit of jumping right unto the masculine brain when you wake up and immediately plug into emails. Tapping into these deeper needs, you then make a self-commitment to turn your phone and router off each night and set a traditional alarm (which also promotes deeper and more restorative sleep) and give yourself 30 minutes of expressive dance or intuitive movement when you wake before you turn your phone and computer on for the morning.
14- What are your most intrinsic physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual needs? And are they being met and satiated?
15- Are you nourishing, tending to and honoring your body, heart, mind and spirit in totality? Or only here and there? Or only when you are pushed over your limits/reaching burn out?
16- Do you listen to your body? Or do you override its subtle messages?
17- If your health could speak in direct words, what would it tell you right now?
18- Do you lean more on the side of force/push, allowance/receptivity or a combination as you move through life?
19- Are you placing the needs of others before your own? Or are you honoring yours first before others?
20- Are you creating healthy boundaries when necessary? Or do you tend to have weak boundaries and “people please”?
21- Do you tend to be co-dependent or inter-dependent in relationship?
22- Do you consistently tune into and deeply listen to your emotions (especially the uncomfortable/painful emotions) as intelligent signals from your innermost compass of intuitive knowing? Or are you numbing, avoiding, disassociating from or bypassing what is emotionally uncomfortable?
23- Are you feeding your consciousness and thirst for expanding knowledge/gnosis? Are you allowing yourself continual discovery/learning and remaining open to new thoughts/ideas when presented to you? Or are you perhaps rigid in a fixed mental ideology/belief structure? Or a combination, meaning open here but rigid there...
24- Would you consider yourself to be embodied from the seat of your soul? Fully inhabiting your divine human vessel? In divine union and an ever-deepening love for life? Or do you feel some degree of disassociated, fracturing or non-safety/non-ease in the body?
25- Do you live your life to the fullest? Or are you stuck in habitual states of perception and/or relating? A combination?
26- Are you in a rut of being? Or are you free?
27- Are you on auto pilot? Or are you in dynamic engagement with the sacred newness of each moment?
28- Are there disparities between your inner knowings/truth and your outer world/real-time manifestations? (In other words, does your outer life reflect what you truly want on the deepest levels? Or are you compromising, staying safe, or playing smaller than you are?)
29- Is each manifestation of your life reflecting your core truth back to me? (Career, relationships, service work, community involvement, personal expression, inner growth, etc)
30- How do you want to feel moment to moment (on the whole)? What are the textures or sensations you want to call into your body, mind, heart and spirit? (For example, more joy, more play, more pleasure, more passion, more creativity, more inspiration, more energy, more vitality, and so forth)
31- What behaviors are feeling stale, outdated, or no longer serving you? What is no longer in alignment with the luminous self you are becoming?
32- What default reactions or conditioned responses are feeling old, predictable, boring, and/or unfulfilling? What ways of seeing the world are not truly yours but have been taken on through early upbringing or societal/peer/parental influence?
33- How do you want to be received by others? Meaning, if *awakened* individuals were to perceive (and receive) you in your fullest expression, how would they describe it? Point of distinction: People, of course, perceive through their filters. In the understanding that many see as they are (through their lens of perception), this is why “awakened” is emphasized. Meaning, how do you want to be truly seen by those with the eyes to see you?
34- What are your most authentic expressions of self?
35- What are your most inauthentic expressions of self?
36- Where are you trying too hard?
37- Where are you creating facade and/or pretense?
38- Where do you hold back expressing yourself so that you will be perceived in a certain way? Where do you create a false image so that you will be perceived in a certain way?
39- What authentic emotional responses or self-needs are you restricting or holding back? I.e. crying in front of others, allowing yourself to be vulnerable and seen, speaking what's true for you even if it means saying "no" to others, claiming boundaries, etc.
40- Under what circumstances are you overly reactive or triggered?
41- Under what circumstances are you non-reactive, expansive and creative?
42- When/where do you shut down or freeze when faced with obstacles?
43- When/where do you find creative avenues or solutions when faced with obstacles?
44- Where do you perform? Where do you seek for approval? Where do you feel not-enoughness?
45- Where do you feel full, authentic and seen? Where do you feel enough, worthy, and/or invited into the space?
46- Where are you rigid and unyielding? What are those responses protecting? And where can you soften into those previously-formed edges?
47- Where are you soft and flexible? Where do you currently invite in surrender, flow and grace?
48- Where are you playing small in your life? (Where are you contorting, hiding or contracting?)
49- Where do you play large? (Where are you bold, leading with love, claiming your worth, and trusting in the universe/divine?)
50- Where do you allow fear to drive your decision-making?
51- Where do you shine in your truest essence? Thrive in creative expression?
52- Who is the "voice in your head" when you doubt or second-guess yourself? What past or present outside influences drive you to question yourself or your decisions? (I.e. the voice of an inner critic, ego sabatuer, wounded inner child, parent, spouse/partner/lover, past teacher, past/present bully, societal program, conditioned voice of "practicality"/”rationality”, etc)
53- What are your native energies? (Native meaning of your core/essential self)
54- Are you fulfilled in your current work, job, or career? If not, what keeps you here? (Income, job security, consistency, fear of claiming more, fear of stepping out of this role/job, etc)
55- If you could offer anything in the world from a service perspective, what kind of work would it be? (What is your most authentic path of service?)
56- What is most important to you right now? (Top 5)
57- Are there any ways in which you are sacrificing what is important to you? (What are you compromising or forfeiting that matters?)
58- Are there any ways in which you are self-sabotaging your vision (even through unconscious beliefs/patterns)? What self-imposed roadblocks, unwarranted/conditioned fears, and/or limiting thoughts/programmed beliefs are you placing (knowingly or unknowingly) in the way of your dreams?
59- What would your most nourishing, most fulfilling, most inspired, most passionate and most authentic life look and feel like? Write it out in depth.
60- What are your highest soul priorities?
61- What is your highest path as a leader, guide, facilitator and way-shower of the new paradigm? *For those in the SBA Training or other teachers/facilitators
62- What would you like your legacy to be? What does your life get to be an example of?
63- What value will you have added to the world?
64- What do you want to be remembered for? What vision do you desire to create that outlives you? So that when you leave the world, your vision lives on…
65- If you were to die tomorrow and take a review of your life, would you feel you consciously showed up and gave back to the collective? That you nurtured and honored your relationships? That you lived (or began to live) your purpose? That you walked in deep reverence, honor and respect of the earth and all her living creatures? That you emanated benevolence, compassion and authenticity? That you grew, transformed and self actualized? That you fulfilled (or began to fulfill) your soul’s dharma/blueprint for this life? That you left the world better than how you found it?
66- What is your most luminous expression in this life? Are you living it? If not, how can you live it now?
67- How can you call in your higher embodiment while simultaneously meeting yourself exactly where you are? (The Sacred Paradox: It is only when we intimately meet, love and accept ourselves right here, that we may transform and evolve into all we are meant to be)