Below are a list of contraindications for Conscious, Connected Breathing, a breathing technique which changes blood oxygen levels in the body and also allows us to access the subconscious and emotional body. If you are on the contraindication list, you are not a candidate for full breathwork at this time, but we are happy to discuss modified, gentle breathwork with you as an alternative.

Note: Breathwork results in certain specific physiological changes in the body and also can result in intense physical and emotional release. As a precaution, the following conditions are contrandicated in certain breathwork practices. It is crucial that you inform your breathwork practitioner if any of the following conditions are relevant to you:

IMPORTANT: You will not be able to experience the full breathwork today if you have any contraindications listed below.



- Pregnancy (at any stage)

- Severe PTSD or Trauma

- Actively using recreational drugs

- Taking any medication that alters brain chemistry (like anti-anxiety, anti-depressant, ADD, OCD medications, etc.)

- Prescription Blood Thinners or Anti-Clotting Medications

- Osteoporosis

- Detached Retina

- Glaucoma

- Kidney Disease

- High Blood Pressure

- Cardiovascular Disease, including Angina, previous Heart Attack, or any other Cardiovascular issues

- Heart Conditions, including Myocarditis and Pericarditis

- Strokes or TIAs

- Seizures, history of seizures or other brain/neurological condition or disease

- Diagnosis of Aneurysm (of any kind)

- Uncontrolled Thyroid Conditions

- Diabetes (any type)

- Infectious or Contagious Disease

- Severe Asthma— for mild to moderate asthma, you can experience breathwork but must bring your inhaler to the session

- Epilepsy

- Prior diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia or previous Psychiatric Condition

- Severe Psychosomatic Disorders

- Recent Surgery, Stitches or Major Injury

- Hospitalization for any Psychiatric Condition or Emotional Crisis within the last decade

- Any other Medical, Psychiatric or Physical Conditions which would impair or affect ability to engage in any activities that involve deep physical and/or emotional release


IMPORTANT: If you are on the contraindication list, you are not a candidate for the full breathwork technique, but we are happy to discuss modified, gentle breathwork, so as long as changing oxygen levels in the body does not interfere with your condition. Exceptions would include diabetes, kidney conditions and thyroid conditions. For these specific conditions, changing blood oxygen levels could be life-threatening and unfortunately we cannot ethically offer you breathwork.


Conscious, Connected Breathwork results in certain specific physiological changes in the body and also can result in intense physical and emotional release. Please be aware that these sessions are safe, illuminating, transformative and deeply healing, and can sometimes cause the following:

* Tingling

* Buzzing

* Vibrating

* Shaking or other physical sensations, including spontaneous physical movement

* Tetany (tightness in the hands or sometimes the jaw- we will guide you on how to work with it and manually release it if required)

* Somatic (body) unwinding 

* Deep emotional experiencing, release and catharsis 

* Trauma release 

* Experiencing life force energy (prana) moving through your body

* Unlocking repressed energies to heal and clear them


Spiritual and emotional work, breathwork, yoga, meditation and any other form of alternative healing should not be construed as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician, medical or psychiatric examination, diagnosis or treatment. Anyone interested in breathwork is also responsible for seeking the specific medical or psychiatric attention they need, should they need it.

The information and content available is intended for informational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat or cure any disease or condition. Individuals should consult a qualified health care provider for medical or psychological advice.


  1. Commitment to Deep Work:
    I acknowledge that this practice involves intense self-exploration, and I am prepared to meet any emotional, physical, or mental experiences that may arise. I am in a grounded and emotionally stable place, ready to meet any latent trauma or emotional experiences healing and integration. I willingly engage in this process.


  1. Guidelines and Contraindications:
    I confirm that I have read and understood the SBA guidelines, disclaimers, and contraindications list. I agree to abide by all considerations provided for safe participation.


  1. Disclosure of Medical Conditions:
    I confirm that I do not have any of the listed contraindications or have disclosed any relevant conditions prior to this session.


  1. Understanding of Breathwork Risks:
    I understand that CCB involves specific physiological and emotional responses and may not be suitable for everyone. The SBA emphasizes non-aggressive, parasympathetic-driven practices. I acknowledge my responsibility to listen to my body and communicate any discomfort or distress to the facilitator.


  1. Assumption of Responsibility:
    I, the participant, voluntarily join this Breathwork Intensive, assuming full responsibility for my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. I release and hold harmless Sacred Breath Academy, its facilitators, and all affiliates. I am ready for the journey and acknowledge the above terms.


  1. Confidentiality Agreement:
    I understand that all discussions, emotional releases, and personal experiences shared during the session are confidential and will not be disclosed by the facilitators without my express written consent, except in cases where safety or legal obligations arise.


  1. Media Release:
    I consent to Sacred Breath Academy (occasionally) capturing photos and/or video recordings during sessions and graduation. I understand that these may be used for educational or promotional purposes, and I grant SBA permission to do so. (Optional: Participants can opt out of this clause by notifying the facilitator in advance.)


  1. Informed Consent:
    I confirm that I have read and understood the waiver and all relevant details of this practice. I have been given the opportunity to ask questions, which were answered to my satisfaction, and I consent to participate willingly.


  1. Right to Withdraw:
    I understand that my participation in this breathwork session is voluntary and that I may choose to stop participating at any point without explanation. My decision to withdraw will not be held against me.


  1. Indemnification:
    I agree to indemnify and hold harmless Sacred Breath Academy, its affiliates, and its facilitators from any claims, liabilities, or expenses arising out of my participation in this breathwork session.

THE FOLLOWING IS A LEGALLY BINDING DOCUMENT. WE TRUST THAT ALL PERSONS WILL ANSWER IN HONESTY AND GOOD FAITH.This document underscores the importance of personal responsibility, facilitator support, and ethical practice in breathwork.