The Essential Role of the Diaphragm in Breathwork

The diaphragm, located directly below the lungs, is a large, dome-shaped muscle that is the primary muscle of respiration. Upon inhalation, the diaphragm contracts and flattens and the chest cavity enlarges. However, in a world of shallow chest breathers, we often can isolate corresponding diaphragmatic tightness, tension and restriction, that which ultimately prevents one from breathing more deeply and fluidly, and also inhibits the air from descending into the lower lung. In essence, when the diaphragm is constricted, it impedes diaphragmatic breath.

Thus, in order to allow fuller breath or even conscious, connected breathwork in a diaphragmatic capacity, the central diaphragm must be the first place we look. In this understanding, unlocking the diaphragm becomes key in allowing for more fluid, unrestricted and expansive breath.

When the diaphragm is locked or tight, it often points to a diverse array of imbalances, including somatic holding patterns of tension, emotional armoring and energetic blockages. Therefore, in its unlocking, we begin to artfully expand the lung’s range and capacities, allowing ourselves to receive the medicinal and healing properties of oxygen in a more optimal way. When we unlock the diaphragm, we begin to breathe uninhibitedly, without body armoring or inner constriction. When we unlock the diaphragm, we release ourselves from its “cage”, we dissolve unconscious resistance, and open ourselves more fully to life in this moment. Through this process, the breath becomes freed, fluid, spacious, and even ecstatic.

The diaphragm is a physical gateway to our physical, emotional, and energetic/spiritual bodies, and to fuller, more expansive breath. When many breathers begin to engage conscious connected breathwork specially (the breath method we offer for the purpose of experiential breathwork journeying), they experience a difficulty (or even a somatic wall) in transferring the breath from the stomach, through the diaphragm, and up into the chest. It is very common for this space within the body to be blocked, tense and constricted—a vivid manifestation of un-met somatic holding patterns living within the tissues and musculature.

When we experience trauma, micro-trauma or shock/freeze, not only does a great part of our energy leave our bodies, it also rushes upward as if it is trying to escape. It often then becomes trapped in key areas such as the abdomen, diaphragm, throat, neck, and jaw if we do not complete the stress cycle, or process it all the way through the body. For example, when we experience a shock, we take a sudden in-breath and unconsciously contract our diaphragm. On an energetic level, until that trauma is released, we, in a sense, hold that breath in indefinitely. Meaning, the breath never releases, and many parts of our psyche, body and being are still “waiting to exhale,” waiting to feel safe enough to release the breath and those fearful, dissonant emotions locked inside of it, of which are stored within that “stuck exhale”.

To release the breath and diaphragm is to truly let go, reestablishing safety and connection in the body. It is to, once again, allow the flow of feelings into our direct experience; to connect to what is, without resistance, and without armoring against it. It is to compassionately receive and intimately meet that which we have been unconsciously blocking. It is the willingness to lean in and soften, even there. To breathe into what we have been unknowingly avoiding... And to meet it all with grace, as the compassionate witness to our experience.

Physical, emotional, and energetic expression are woven tightly together, and are ultimately inseparable. When there is physical tension in the diaphragm, it will be found that there is so too emotional and energetic binding that prevents us from receiving the fullness of life in this moment. This may be a constitution of memories, imprints, traumas, micro traumas, hurts, wounds, grief, regret, various unhealed past experiences or myriad emotional repressions that have been stored within this area of the body, particularly within the fibro-muscular structures beneath the rib cage. For many unknowingly send these repressions here to be locked away in a protective response or “cage”, not realizing that pushing them down would only move them into subconscious directives (motivators) within our experienced real-time reality and lived experience; i.e. the way we respond to life in the present. Remember, when we push things down, they don’t go anywhere; rather they begin to influence us from the subconscious mind, yet still hold a very palpable and creative effect on our lives.

Over time, the diaphragm can become ridged as a cement post, inhibiting deep and expansive diaphragmatic breathing which does not allow us to reap the full benefits of oxygen (prana) as medicine.

We can take a moment to reflect on our inner emotional landscape... Ask yourself: What is the quality of my natural resting breath? Is it... Shallow? Short? Restricted? Fast? Erratic? Or deep, slow, diaphragmatic, expansive and fluid? What emotions and energies are stored within my 'cage' of the ribs? How may exploring, meeting, and witnessing these emotions set me free? How may unlocking them allow me to breathe more deeply, feel more fluidly, and receive the moment more fully? Am I actively engaging with the creative intelligence of life within and around me, or am I living behind past emotions, imprints, and traumas and armoring against this moment?

The diaphragm and the way we choose to breathe deeply affect our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. “Change your breath, change your life.”

In this knowing, uncaging and opening the diaphragm is deep internal work, and through it, comes profound somatic, emotional and spiritual freedom. ©

If you are called to this kind of dynamic freedom, we invite you to register for our Secrets of Unlocking the Diaphragm Workshop HEREIn this workshop, we will explore keys of diaphragmatic release and unwinding, the art of diaphragmatic breathing and self-diaphragmatic massage, among other secrets which we will leave to those attending! 

We would love for you to join…

Note: The Secrets of Unlocking the Diaphragm Workshop is pre-recorded and can be streamed anytime! Book this Pre-Recorded Workshop, Diaphragmatic Release Meditation and Powerful Somatic Practice at 50% off for a limited time (only $55 USD for an in-depth 2-hour workshop! Link to Book:

We celebrate you on the path of diaphragmatic liberation!

Note: This course is NOT a training, meaning it does not allow you to teach others the practices contained within. The workshop is purely for you to receive, guiding you to self-liberate your diaphragm.

In love and reverence!


ALL WORDS IN THIS BLOG ARE COPYRIGHTED (and birthed from our mind/heart/soul), unless the source is clearly cited otherwise. Please think again before taking our words as your own, as dozens have been doing over the years. This is our deepest life’s work. Please respect and honor it as sacred.

© 2021 BY ALEXANDRA DURIGAN, KAYA LEIGH AND SACRED BREATH ACADEMY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All content is for your personal reference and is not intended to be shared, copied or otherwise distributed. Doing so is an infringement of copyrighted intellectual property. Small quotes may be shared and cited as 'Sacred Breath Academy' with permission. 

Kaya Danielle Leigh